Should I talk?


Well-known member

I dont know if is not only illusion because smiling on you and saying *hi* musted not be meaning like she is interrested. Actually u can live in illusion because she try to being only nice to everyone around who she meet more often. I hope im not rigth and she is really interrested! I wish u this from whole heart. If u will ask u can only lose your illusion that she is really interrested or win price and this will be be together with her. I hope u will not give up and ask!!!I try only be realistic thats not everything what look as u think its look is really true. By the way wait three hours on bus station gosh boooy this si so sweet but for other side also weird:) u know how i mean that?I hope u do.


Well-known member
wow....thanks for the replies guys...REALLY appreciate it..i've decided NOT to give up meaning i'll be open to other girls but i'll keep her a "spot open" for her so to speak...get it? but of course,i'll definitely ask her friend about her...i just wanna know where is she/what she's doing...that's all...i guess that's not TOO intrusive right??Anyways,there's no "update" cause it's semester break...well mine is at least...don't know about her friends i guess,if i see them again,i'll ask but it's gonna be a "grab your balls and go for it son!" situation since i do have SA+shyness lol


Well-known member
hey,i think i'm gonna stop now...i've found her cousin knew her since she goes to the same church as i am down right now...heh,seriously down...Status : In a Relationship with,the moment i saw that,i felt nothing...i know i'm suppose to be sad but maybe since i've already half expected she's already unavailable,i guess it was expected....i guess after all my "effort" that i've put,it's all gone to,i guess this is a lesson learnt.....don't put TOO much hope on someone even when someone is showing interest in you....i guess i'm the bloody fool huh? heh,man all i could is that she's different...that guy is a lucky sonofa.....i guess it's time to move on huh?Mods,you can close if you want...i've got nothing to say anymore...
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