Should I even talk to this girl?


Well-known member
There's been a girl at school looking at me recently. Does she like ugly guys or something? I could walk up to her and talk but I wouldn't know what to say.


Well-known member
I could ask for a number. This one girl asked for my number last summer and would always text me "wyd". This is kinda a problem because my life consists of school, weights and video games. I haven't started driving yet so I don't do much.


Well-known member
Try not to read too much into someone looking at you. This is pretty silly coming from me, since I do it all the time, but it's easy to project your own thoughts and desires onto other people. Especially if you're feeling lonely and/or depressed.

That being said, I think you should talk to her and ask her out. It's hard as balls to do, but if you can, the worst she can do is say "no." That being said, the word "no" can be pretty frightening. *shrugs*


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Girls tend to like archetypes, so maybe you fall into the "fitness guy" designation, or perhaps she thinks you're the strong, silent type. Maybe she saw you do something kind, or you said something she'd been waiting to hear, who knows?

Men and women are different, so the last thing you want to do is put too much emphasis on this whole "I'm not good looking enough" thing, because women tend to be a lot less hung-up in that regard.


Well-known member
You can just say hi and see how she reacts, and then take that and ask how she's doing the next day, etc.


Well-known member
Try not to read too much into someone looking at you. This is pretty silly coming from me, since I do it all the time, but it's easy to project your own thoughts and desires onto other people. Especially if you're feeling lonely and/or depressed.

That being said, I think you should talk to her and ask her out. It's hard as balls to do, but if you can, the worst she can do is say "no." That being said, the word "no" can be pretty frightening. *shrugs*

Idk shes been staring at me a lot. I look back at her sometimes while she's doing it and she doesn't turn away. She's sitting by herself while she does this too.