Should I believe this person?


Well-known member
Just curious of other takes, but I'm leaning towards "no". This whole situation smells funny.

A few months ago, I started talking to someone on another forum who lives a short drive from me. We would talk every day, generally initiated by him and sometimes multiple times a day. There was no hint at anything romantic or sexual, so I assumed friendship. Last week we agreed to meet for lunch, and he left after a couple hours a bit suddenly saying that he wanted to get home before it started getting dark. I just assumed that meant he was worried about ice and water on the roads this time of year, and it being a little harder to navigate.

Since meeting, conversation has stopped completely. I've tried to initiate twice, but have otherwise left the ball in his court until I eventually stated today that if something is wrong I prefer it to just be aired. He replied that he's been at work and school all day. Which I am, too, and which has never stopped us before. The second thing was to say that there's just not enough time and we could get back to the usual after Christmas. His work hours are affected by the season, but again - hasn't stopped us before and he's been online often.

I guess I just want support in walking away from something I'd gotten my hopes up about. I literally have no one, and I would have had someone with common interests that I could visit with face to face and not just over a chat client.

To anyone about to offer social advice: Heard it. Don't care. Work with customers who love me and ask about me all the time. Not some kind of argumentative weirdo who never showers and invades personal space.


Well-known member
..........I guess it's just time to move on. At least on his end, you guys didn't click as well in person as you did online. At this point, it's all wild speculation.