should i apologize?


Well-known member
realise that this person is sensitive and took it the wrong way, words don't always meet with emotion over an email so words are often taken the wrong way...tell her you were joking ..perhaps stay away from her and if she feels like talking with you in the future let her do that...use it as a learning experience and move on ...she is very mean to inform everyone on facebook, that tells you the sort of perosality you are dealing with here, she is possibly attention seeking and likes the drama ...its hard to say..making friends are always a challenge..


Well-known member
i think she took the term "good job" as some brief untinterested jokey summary of her paper and when he said it again she didn't find it that funny and probably wanted a more deep and meaningful response for allowing him to look at the paper..


Active member
That's what I'm thinking that I shouldnt say sorry. I do think she loves the attention. She post everything from having an argument with some guy that is arguing with her bf to good night facebook. She even posted one saying hope I have a good day tomorrow fingers cross. What kidn of attention whore is this sorry guys foul language. I just feel she is over sensitive and did me wrong by telling the other group members my information. Sometime she would text me at 4am and ask me stuff and do I want to go do stuff with her. I thought we were cool apparently not. All I said was good job. I told her I was joking but apparently she didn't believe me. I'm just worried she tells those other two guys. I actually get along with 2 of the guys except for that other one guy. She go telling me about his stuff, but I never told him about it. However when she sees him she act all nice to him and such. Sometime when that guy is making a joke about me or even when he isn't she tries to make these little smart remarks to make me look stupid on my question regarding the project. That's why I'm just waiting for this one last week to be over and stop talking to them.
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Lost Girl

Well-known member
You don't sound like you want to apologize, so the simple answer is - don't. You don't sound as though you like her at all, so yeah, just let her carry on and don't pay attention to the drama.


Active member
I was about to say sorry until she did that. I like her as a friend thought she was cool in the beginning. Yeah I'm just going to keep my mouth shut only one week left.


Well-known member
this girl probably likes to get close to multiple guys at once, i dont mean intimately per say, but she likes the attention of boys and sort of plays her mind games in her own weird ways, in this case facebook and her friends.. i've seen this happen so many times and its always a similar trend ...just stay away from her, unless you really want to be a friend i'd just move on, don't ignore her say "hi" ask how she is but don't get close because it sounds like she'll cause problems within her clique of her friends by being gossipy and annoying...


Its pretty obvious you and this girl wont be close friends after what you've found out, but you have to work with these people regardless, so you should just say you're sorry if you came across condescending to her for the sake of your school work.

Just say sorry to keep the peace, no one says you have to actually mean it. ::p: