shared house


Well-known member
My mother, in all her infinite wisdom, has decided to buy a house in the area where she wants to move, and while she's still home sorting things out halfway across the country, she's put me in the position of landlady. She suggested i go to a school here, etc, which I have started. This has put me in an extremely difficult position.

I don't like the roommates but felt I had to choose them quickly bc my mother was hassling me to find them. One makes me particularly uncomfortable and she's sitting out in the living room the past half hour, now using my t.v. She also let my mom's dogs out and they're whining to come in but she hasn't let them in.

I feel like I can't even go out of my room to check my dinner that's cooking. I wish that b*tch would go back to her room

When I told my mom, she said it had something to do with my personality. I asked her to clarify this, and she said "you're cautious, careful, don't like change, and are very shy". She told me that the situation was what would "make me better". She doesn't even understand it seems. I also told her I missed my homestate (which she hates) and she basically couldn't comprehend.

I am so frustrated right now. I wish that girl would just go back in her damn room. Didn't even pay her rent on time when she moved in (or in full) and I had to repeatedly text her on two occasions (once for the first half) and then for the second half. I want her to go!!

The other one's ok but still annoying. I need out!

Sorry for any cussing.
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Well-known member
I haven't shared a place in a long time, it makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable.

Did you mother put you in an apartment with two people? Is the girl outside your room one of your room mates, and which one let the dog out? I'm confused.


Well-known member
i don't know how people do this. home is supposed to be a safe haven away from people.


Well-known member
Well, I hope I will be able to grow. It's just very difficult.

The girl outside that I was talking about is one of the boarders. I guess they're my roommates, but I honestly feel more like the landlady and like they're the boarders, you know?

& yes, I feel like home should be my safe haven. That's why I really resent my mother for this. Not only that, but they use all of our stuff (dishes, appliances, etc) and don't really help out cleaning or doing chores. I feel like I have to do all the work with no compensation. Plus babysit my mother's two big dogs for 3 months. They require like 3 walks a day.


Well-known member
i think it's ok to not want to live with other people. maybe you will grow (whatever that means... grow tolerant?) or maybe you will just be reaffirmed that you don't enjoy living with housemates.

you like what you like. why change it to fit other peoples' expectations?

(sorry if my wording sounds rude, i don't mean it that way.)


Well-known member
i think it's ok to not want to live with other people. maybe you will grow (whatever that means... grow tolerant?) or maybe you will just be reaffirmed that you don't enjoy living with housemates.

you like what you like. why change it to fit other peoples' expectations?

(sorry if my wording sounds rude, i don't mean it that way.)

I actually think you're right. Everyone keeps telling me that I should learn how to communicate "with all types of people" etc. My mother tells me that I'm a student, I need to "get used" to living with others because that's the phase I'm at in my life. I don't feel as though I should have to get used to things I don't like. I do live with my boyfriend, but he's a familiar person to me. I don't like strangers in my house. That's just the way it is. People always act like there's something wrong with me for it.

I've decided that I'll give this a try, but if it doesn't work, I'm going to apply for an apartment with the government because obviously I can't pay for one myself. Just for while I'm in school. At least then I won't be under my mother's rule.And I have to say that she's just been putting too much on me, especially with all the others changes and pressure I have, moving, starting at a new school, all these things.