Yeah, when I was actually having sex back in 'aught 6

, I always had the urge to get up and leave, within minutes of completing.
Not normal. The last time it happened I apologized a couple of years later and the woman told me what I did (leave) was not nice, but she thought I was considerate for remembering.
Then I did it again a couple years later 8O .
Sex hasn't been the same since - I don't seem to get lost in the passion of the moment. It's dull and I'm sure my partners hate it because they say so and we never have sex again. But it's not something I want to give up on. I put up the walls if I see the intimacy coming which pretty much shuts down any chance at a relationship. Not good, this 'Lone Wolf' crap sucks.
I don't believe sex is overrated. When I was good at it and with someone I loved, it was unbelievably good, just fantastic. It's that lack of closeness to another person that's just always out there, but I'm trying :wink: .