Sex after a LTR?

Me and my SA were in a several year relationship that ended about a year ago. Even with her, I could never completely let go of my anxieties, but just the thought of having sex with someone else terrifies me a little bit.

Idk. Does anyone any suggestions?
I know this is an older post, but I know exactly how you feel. I am going through the same thing right now. I really hate the way I look so having to be naked in front of someone else and wondering if they're turned off or just trying to be nice really scares me. I have no real advice, I guess all I can say is the right person won't care.
I agree! I'm not and I'm sure my future girlfriend won't be either. It seems nobody does this-they should!
It always freaks me out how many people seemingly don't care (or even think about) contracting something. I remember when I got my IUD put in and my doctor told me that if I have unprotected sex with someone who has an STD/STI, then the infection will develop internally and can be life threatening. That is some serious shit. Moral of the story: always get tested.