Severe eye-contact issue


Well-known member
hi everyone , i was just wondering does anyone have any tips or know any good books that can improve my eye-contact ? All my social anxiety resolves around this issue , in fact , this is what causes me to be anxious , i feel if i can sort this out , then there will be no reason for me to be anxious . I suffer from distorted thoughts like im making people feel uncomfortable because im giving them a strange look or an "evil eye" i suppose you could call it , i know some people said that staring in the mirror for a while can help or making eye contact directly with close family , i really believe i can overcome this in a matter of weeks because its all based on eye-contact , its been 7 years of this crap , my mam and dad had a joint 50th party last night and as usual i stayed at home and feel like a joke for doing that , having to make up excuses to everyone why i wasnt there , im 22 , thanks in advance , peace , Robbie


Well-known member
You need to focus on the conversation, on what the person is saying, on every word that comes out of their mouth and concentrate hard on relating what they are talking about to your own experience. This is what a "normal" person is doing. When they are having a conversation they are giving it their total concentration. When you focus, and focus completely, I guarantee you you will forget about the eye contact issue.


Well-known member
thanks tpdarlo they are good tips but for me its basically eye contact from a bit of a distance and non-verbal eye-contact . Its like i cant keep eye-contact and the second i make it non-verbally , i almost always look away . Makes me feel like a bit of a freak , it feels like almost a reflex now to look away , i just cant get my head around it .


Well-known member
FreedomFighter, dude, that's exactly my problem too. I think most of my anxiety and nervousness comes from it. I can talk with people online so easily, but once I have to make eye contact with people I feel uneasy around everyone and it ruins conversations. I also have problems with eye contact when I pass people in the grocery store or whatever. I'm always wondering where I should look and for how long. It pisses me off! I told my therapist about this and he said he could help me find something that works for me. Dunno what he is gonna do, but I'm glad I told him. Tell me if you have any ideas? Are you going to therapy?


Well-known member
hi froghat , im not going to therapy , i wish i knew how to solve this , i know deep relaxed breathing can help me sometimes , please keep me posted if you find a way over this , peace , Robbie


New member
I have this same problem. It is root of my anxiety. I've developed strategies over the years where I position myself so that me and the other person are standing side-by-side instead of facing each other head on. When I am unable to do that, and must speak face-to-face, I've noticed that my eyes stare at the floor. I'll usually rest my chin on my palm and cover my mouth with my hands, and will shake my head up and down periodically so that they know I am listening. But every once and awhile my eyes will dart into theirs, and it seems to me that I give them a twisted look of anger and fear. What's worse is that I hold the image of their face and reaction in my mind and analyze it for a moment. And because I usually pause they can often read what I am doing. This has the effect, in addition to the distorted glance, of making the other person as uncomfortable as I am.

This has actually developed into a nasty habit. When anyone experiences any sort of emotion which contorts their face, the image of their face will remain in my head and I'll analyze their physiognomy. I often do it to my own reactions. If it is anything embarrassing it can keep me up at night.

As for solutions, I have none. I only have strategies. It's pathetic and has done demonstrable damage to my life via social, work, and family life. All the opportunity I've passed up and will avoid do has all revolved around communication. I've tried to overcome this flaw through some of the solutions above but none have worked completely.


Well-known member
Wow guys, I never realized so many ppl share the same problems I have. I completely agree with staying focused on the conversation. Think I'm getting pretty good at that. My biggest problem is the random walk by, and not knowing if I should look em in the eye, or just keep walking. Usually I just turn my head, or act like I'm focused on something in front of me. So weird.


New member
I have had this problem in the past. Always the amount of discomfort was proportional to the amount of discomfort I felt with that person, or rather, how worthless/guilty I felt at that time with that person.

So with my college tutor, it was horrible when he lectured in my face for five minutes at a time. I just had to look down, thinking at the time what a useless prat I was.

Yes, it's a bastard when someone is talking at you. My advice is: dont be spoken at. Talk back as well. When you do the talking, you are in control.

Other than that - avoid people who give you the willies.


Hey, I registered purely for this post.

I'm in the same boat as you guys. I have plenty of fears relating to socialising, however eye contact is the "root of my anxiety" as Worm said.

If I could resolve this issue, I don't think I would be completely cured however I would definitely be at a point where I can function properly when going out or in the work place.

I am currently undergoing CBT and its only helping a little bit, I know it would be so much better if the eye contact issue was sorted out.
I don't think my psychologist appreciates how bad I find it. I have told her and she's aware of it, but I don't think she realises how much of a big deal it is for me.

I think what tpdarlo says is correct, the typical person won't be thinking what I'm thinking.. "Where should I look?", "What do I look like when they're talking?" etc - They will be thinking purely about the conversation.
So if you could train yourself to do that, eye contact will be less of an issue.
Obviously its easier said than done.


PS (hopefull this won't sound stupid) But when I'm wearing shades/sunglasses I find it 10x easier to hold a conversation.
Obviously you can't rely on this seeing as you're not outdoors all the time.


Well-known member
So, do you guys think this is related to our confidence or something to do with anxiety? Or both? Whenever I make eye contact, I feel like I'm doing something wrong, so I guess it's a real bad lack of confidence. I was shy as a kid and was picked on by a few kids for a long time. I wonder if that caused confidence issues that kept building until stuff like this happened. The only way to overcome this issue is to take it head on and force myself to make eye contact with people. But, I've tried this in the past and it's always failed because I don't know what's "normal" or "acceptable", so I can't get it out of my head when I'm looking people in the eyes. It's like I need constant positive feedback to let me know it's ok. There's got to be some sort of exercise to help with this because I heard autistic people have problems making eye contact with people as well. Maybe something to look into


There is an expression "The eyes are the doorway to the soul", while I don't literally believe in that I do think that your eyes prevent you from hiding anything. If you are being deceitful or untrustworthy or even if you are just uncomfortable around someone the eyes are a give away.

For me just knowing this fact, I think makes me uneasy. Knowing people can read me like a book. However I'm sure I blow it up in my mind, I doubt people can really read me as much as I think they can.



wow i really didnt think alotta other people had this problem too. i find its one of the 2 roots of my anxiety in is the dizziness n general retardness i feel from agoraphobia, then not being able to make eye contact is the "root" of my person to person social difficulties.

Anyways, my anxiety always frustrates me because I manage to control it really well some days (or atleast control the most debilitating aspects of it) and others it just merks think you have it, then nah...fuckin annoying.

So alot of days I can make perfectly good eye contact, but the big problem is that I cant when Im thinking about/analyzing it...whenever I start thinking about the way my eyes are, it kills my positive feeling and I start feeling like Im looking creepy with the way my eyes are cause theyre forced. Then whenever I try to look people in the eye, I feel like I give them this scared/angry stare that makes em uncomfortable. It happens when I pass people on teh sidewalk too...I feel like if I dont look them in the eye Ill looking like im staring at the ground and look scared or creepy...if I do look them in the eye it usually makes them visibly uncomfortable...i hate this shit its wackkkkkk

You just really gotta feel the situation. Eyes are straight up the gateway to the soul, they react really highly to our emotional state so you need to get yourself in one where youre comfortable with the way your eyes are reacting sounds mad weird. The thing is that anxiety causes a change in our bodily compass to a state of operation that doesnt look "normal". Eyes freeze up, get tunnel vision...this is all adaptive stuff built in by evolution from when we were basically animals. Although some people think the best idea is to focus on "HOW" to make eye contact, youd be taking yourself off the right path. You gotta do what that dude said and focus on things like what people are saying. If you are passing someone on teh sidewalk, focus on the sky and hte nice day, think about your whole body. You have to focus on things that will make impressions on you and influence your state of emotion to a positive one. Then your regular bodily compass will restore and your eyes will naturally feel softer...then youll be able to make eye contact fine, and if you dont want to make it with someone on the street you wont feel like youre looking at the ground. Eventually you forget about the eye contact because youre comfortable/confident in it and its all about reacting to your environment.

I know its easier said than done, and thats the brutal part. You can work on how to make better eye contact in your house by yourself...but the trick is, it doesnt have to be by standing infront of a mirror and drawing ATTENTION to that very issue...reinforcing it as a potential anxiety, adding that anticipation and future need to perform/forcefully meet demands, consuming your attention with anxiety related stuff and taking yourself further from where you need/want to be. The way that personally works for me is by trying to be reactive to my environment (I read that shit in some other thread, swear that was some decent advice) and finding things that influence my emotional state...this includes talking to people. Relating their experiences to me/mine so that I emotionally react...then I know my eyes are reacting fine and Im not afraid to look at anyone.

I live downtown in a city too...half my friends are on bail n shit...and I sell weed, so I cant look scared. I always gotta be assertive, look dudes in the eye...or I know people are robbin me for my kush...and then theres the fact that I dont like making girls uncomfortable lol. But somehow I pull it off ALOT in the clutch, and where other kids will lose control of their ability to make eye contact because they have no experience trying to control it...I pull it off lol. Kinda seems like its regular chit-chat where I fail hard.

You really just gotta mentally condition yourself tho...its such stupid, striaght-forward, obvious advice but its so true. It will take alot of tries, but if you condition yourself thatll do the trick...once its reinforced its reinforced and it just becomes the way your brain operates. Your bodily compass will jsut react to that emotional state and your brain will see no reason to change it to anything else. That just all happens once its conditioned to the extent that its reinforced, which is when you can relax about it and stop making the problem worse lol. But I still got a long ass way til I get there, stay up all yall and I hope my experiences helped...



Same here

wow i thought i was the only one that had that problem, but now i see its not only me. thnx for sharing your problem


Thanks for the post ThaKid it was really informative. Where is the article about being reactive that you said helped you?

Hopefully we can keep this thread alive.. hopefully it will help others - and I know if I get this one issue fixed I can start moving on with my life.


Well-known member
hi guys. i have a severe eye contact problem in that I try to second guess where my eyes will land when I look at someone, and also I get transfixed into looking at one eye, while my brain is trying to make me look at two eyes at once!!! Sorry, it's a bit difficult to explain but I hope you get the general jist of it!


Active member
i have this problem too - but with the nice weather lately i can wear sun glasses and im able to talk freely and have more confidence because i dont have to look the person in the eyes.