Semen clean up/OCD/?


New member
Hello, I am a guy and I guess my question is gonna sound stupid to you, but I decided to give it it a try and see if someone is going to answer. Well here is the deal. I am afraid/grossed out by semen. If I have sex in a car and get semen on my hands, can I sufficiently clean it with tissues and wet baby wipes, cause obviously there will be no running water and soap? Also how do people open the doors of their rooms after they have sex? With their hands just wiped off the semen, they touch the doorknob? Do they wipe the doorknobs later on? Is semen really sterile? Is it that tough to be cleaned? I just don't want my semen laying around, you know. I usually masturbate in my room and wipe my hands with tissues and baby wipes, after, but I find it difficult to open the door, the way I normally do, in case there might be some leftover semen on my hands.

What do you guys do?

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in a VAN down by the RIVER
If baby wipes can handle diaper emergencies, they can definitely handle semen until you can get to a bathroom. As far as your doorknob, just keep a roll of paper towels in your room and hold one in your hand when you turn the knob, the way you would with a public restroom door you wouldn't want to touch. Then just hit the bathroom and wash-up as usual.