Selective mutism


Well-known member
Hey anyone else have selective mutism
example at work i am so quiet, i choose to be because 1 i dont really know what to say the people i work with are older than me
I hate it.. but as soon as i get out of work i feel a sense of relief and i go walking round town appearing confident


Active member
I am selectively mute in certain situations like work as well. My co-workers prob think I'm so bizarre since I only say 'hi' in the morning, and 'see you tomorrow' when I leave. 8O

I didn't speak at all in school either. I wouldn't say I never said anything at all ever, but it was just as good as that really.


Well-known member
i have to admit i dont try to talk to everyone who talks to me first unless they are an attractive female lol (im a guy). i just half-heartedly i dont care to get rid of them. does this make me a bad person?? i sort of think that the bad karma gets me back as other people i'm interested in...dont talk back to me either...guess i deserve it. =/ but why fake it? i mean if someone doesnt tickle my fancy...why waste both our time and energy?...and trust takes a LOT of mental energy for me to talk to someone.


Well-known member
i am selectively mute in social situations like work/training places etc. I only tend to speak when i am spoken too. And when i do, i answer in short answers or nod but it looks like i am doing it confidently.


New member
I have selective mutism. I con't talk to all of my family but half of them. Anyone outside my family, I mostly mute. I want to talk but can't. The anxiety grabs the words and hold them in and it turns me into cement. I'm not too functional which frustrates me cause I'm just like any person but I can't show it.


Well-known member
As long as I'm with someone who I'm completely comfortable with (which is only a few close relatives), my SA doesn't bother me. I forget I even have SA. I don't really have a problem making small talk, but getting into long conversations? Yeah!
I usually become mute around people with strong personalities. Like, people who are really loud or something. In order for me to be completely comfortable around someone (outside of my immediate family), the person would have to be extremely introverted as well.


I used to get SM when I was depressed and everything seemed hopeless. It hasn't happened to me since I've been doing ACT. I guess I just don't get that depressed anymore.

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
Spending long periods of time in unpleasant social situations?! *argh* It feels as though it's a lifetime until it eventually ends & then I'm flying & feeling like I'm in heaven afterword. *ahh*


hahaha I am the same way..I don't talk at work at all..
the girls I work with are both a couple years older than me, and always try to start conversation..but i purposely reply with one worded answers, or end the conversation.

I have friends that i even ignore sometimes, purposely. Usually if i think they are cute, it freaks me out and I'm scared to talk to them.

Sometimes I just flat out ignore people, like my mom, because I feel like it gives me some sort of control.....and it makes me laugh.
Like I'll be sitting in a chair right next to her, and she'll say my name to get my attention and I just pretend I don't hear it.

Alot of times I make the people I'm close with talk for me in certain situations


Well-known member
funny they call it selective mutism... as though we select when to be speechless. i get so overwhelmed that i can't think of anything to say. nothing comes to mind so nothing comes out. there are countless times when i've experienced this and have forced myself to say something, anything, and what comes out is horrifically awkward. people don't understand why you don't say anything (awkward), and when you say something people can't understand why you said what you said (awkward).


I was like that in all of my high school classes without people I knew personally.
It was horrible. I don't miss high school. I remember, my english teacher my senior year made us have "discussions" and everyone was required to make a comment 3 times a class. I couldn't do it. I just COULDN'T do it. I thought something was wrong with me! I was so mad he made that mandatory, I ended up with a C in that class when I could have had an A just for speaking up. I thought I was the only one. . .
and then people thought I was snobby for not talking to them. blah.


funny they call it selective mutism... as though we select when to be speechless. i get so overwhelmed that i can't think of anything to say. nothing comes to mind so nothing comes out. there are countless times when i've experienced this and have forced myself to say something, anything, and what comes out is horrifically awkward. people don't understand why you don't say anything (awkward), and when you say something people can't understand why you said what you said (awkward).

Yeah, exactly!


New member
Hey, JennaB I have selective mutism, too. It's horrible and I am 29. NO friends, only family and my husband. we should "talk."