Seeking Opinions


Well-known member

My partner and I are having difficulty with our next door neighbours. They are taking it upon themselves to dump dog faeces in my partner's field and even though he has approached them regarding this, the woman replied that he was pathetic for causing a fuss about it. The thing, is he asked her very nicely to stop dumping it on his ground. Also, I am concerned since I have social phobia and I won't leave the house and I really want to approach them about it. What do you think?

Also, and this is really concerning me. A group of noisy children were playing outside our house the other day (next door neighbours' kids were among them) and their noise caught my attention which made me look outside the window to see what was happening. When they saw me, one of the girls pointed up at me and screamed. Why would she have done this?
I'm worried now that I appear weird or something, I've become really paranoid about appearance and everything. I know it's immature but I can't understand why they would have screamed like that. By the way, I am female so I there was no need of them being suspicious in any way.

Please can you reply
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i suggest you take a shit on your neighbours front garden right in the middle of it and see how they like it!

Only messin you should record them doing it (dumping it) or at least where they dump it and bring the tape to the police or the council and take legal action. As for them kids dont worry.


Well-known member
Kids do stupid random things, don't worry yourself about it, very doubtful that it had any meaning.

And yeah I would agree with Redzer, get some video evidence and take it to the police. Is it really that hard for them to dispose of it correctly??

Well-known member
Agreed. Evidence of some sort like video would nail them.

I wouldn't think too much of the kids screaming. Kids do that sort of thing if their misbehaving or making a racket and suddenly get spotted. Some kids are just overexcited all the time.


Well-known member
thats a tricky situation. I think firstly, I'd try to ignore the screaming child. Kids are weird! I don't know your situation but even if some local kids did think you're weird, all you have to do is keep living your life the way you have been and so long as you're not hurting anybody else, eventually they'll see that you're normal too.

But secondly, with the neighbours, well if it was me I'd definitely be very terrified to talk to them about it, but what I'd do is sit down with my partner and figure out exactly what's going on, and make sure that we were ethically justified in confronting them, and then I'd just try to communicate with my neighbours as gently and as frequently as possible....and if they still won't listen after you ask them politely, then you might have to bring the law into it.
You cant talk to these types of people gently they see you as weak in doing so and will just laugh it off and continue to walk all over her. If she is to shy or to frightend to talk to the police or someone in power then she can always ask someone with more confidence she knows to speak to them about the situation on her behalf.