Seeking attention


Well-known member
After years of trying to be unnoticed, blending in, never wearing anything that will put me in the centre of attention.
I always sat in the corner and never spoke and always dressed down, I never wore bright colours or anything over the top, it was always something that people wouldn't take note of.
I have never been myself like in the way I dress, talk and what I say and stuff
anyway after years of being ignored and never being noticed and people never caring about me or what I have to say. I now really, really want someone to care about me :( I want to exist and mean something to someone.
I feel like I could disappear today and no one will notice for a really long time, I feel like I am not really living, I feel like I am giving nothing to this world.
I might as well not be here, I want to mean something and be important to somebody.
Yes I have my family and yes they care I suppose but they have to, I want someone to care about me because they want to and they chose to
ummm I have no idea if this makes sense :thinking: I have kind of put a million thoughts into one.
Just had to get that out :thumbup:


Well-known member
I think I know the feeling. I used to hide away and quite enjoy being ignored and forgotten. But in the last 3 years I have had a desire to be included and loved and cared for. I've managed to gain quite a lot of attention from my friends now, and they always include me in plans for nights out now and it's great. I think I just started being me more and talking out loud instead of just thinking it inside my head.


Well-known member
I now really, really want someone to care about me :( I want to exist and mean something to someone.
I think that no matter how introverted and misanthropic and shy we are, we are still a social species, and we want people to care and notice.

Meggy, I believe that people will. You've identified that you always seem to sit in the corner with your unassuming clothes and you don't say much. If possible, try to get involved in conversations that happen around you, or at least be a part of whatever's going on. You could even start by wearing flashy clothing. By wearing something a bit more daring (I should clarify that "daring" doesn't mean showing lots of skin, but clothes that are bright or catch the eye), it could very well be a conversation starter.

The more you put yourself out there, the more people will come into your life that want you to stick around. :) I'm not sure if you mean you want friends or a boyfriend, but either one means that there'll be at least one person who is happy to have you in their lives. :thumbup:


Active member
Yes I have my family and yes they care I suppose but they have to, I want someone to care about me because they want to and they chose to.

This sentence effectively expresses a sentiment likely universal to all humans (i.e. to be voluntarily "cared about" by another). As for myself, I'm extremely averse to ever hearing the word "no" in just about any conceivable context. The reason for this lies beyond this discussion's scope . . . but a similar apprehension seems to also affect many that post here.

Actually overcoming this has been both mentally and physically exhausting, so no "cure" from me . . . but, hopefully, this observation proves useful to someone out there.