I don't have that fear. But I do feel self-conscious if I'm wearing something that I don't like, or that has something wrong with it. During the summer, I was on the way to visit my mom in the hospital &, as soon as i opened my door, I noticed that my neighbor was on my porch painting it (he has no respect for others' personal property or boundaries). Well, after he got done yelling at me for needing to walk on my porch, he finally let me off it. When I was walking down the steps, because he didn't tell me, I touched the back of my shirt to the railing & it got paint all over it. I had no time to change clothes because I had to catch the bus soon. It was a brand new shirt I had never even worn before & I had to walk around with paint all over the back of it. There have been times, since then, that I've been forced to wear that shirt in public & it always makes me worry that people are looking. Plus, I'm tall, & if my jeans aren't long enough to touch the bottom of my shoes, or socks, I get self-conscious & think people are looking at me & thinking I'm wearing high-waters.