Emma said:
I usually try to sneak in and out at work, so I don't have to say hello or goodbye, because if I have to , it comes out as a squeak
sounds like mmmmelllmmmmo
That's what I managed to do last Friday at college before we broke up for the Easter Holidays. While everybody was busy I sneaked out. I hated it when they say 'have a good weekend/holiday' because I never feel like saying it back and then it makes me feel bad, yet I still can't say it. :? I can't stand my voice either, it feels and sounds weird.
The other day, I had a family gathering, and as expected, I was awfully quiet...couldn't even say bye at the end, I don't know why, I wasn't as bad in the last few gatherings and was able to talk to some of the cousins but recently I can't even have a simple small conversation with them, just when I had thought I could bond with one of them, I couldn't speak to that cousin at all the last time I saw her, and I guess she figured that I didn't really wanna speak so she left me alone.

But there was this one other friendly cousin who tried to get me to join in with them doing stuff but I was just so awkward. 'You shouldve came with us to build a snowman! ' I kind of just nervously smiled and said that I was too tired, then she touched my hand with her hand to show me how cold it was outside, I just flinched a little and then walked back into the living room. 8O I felt like I was too rude. She was being so nice to me that day. At the end she said bye but I wasn't sure whether it was for me or not so I didn't reply and just smiled... I don't know, what is up wth me :roll: