Saying F*** Off to Society


Well-known member
Horatio, you remind me of things like this...

'Happy are those who know they are poor in spirit, the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs'
'Happy are you when people insult you and tell all kinds of evil lies against you. Be glad, because a great reward is kept for you in heaven.'

The parable of the two Sons... the son that said no first to his father's request later did what his father wanted, whilst the son who said yes first did not do what his father wanted. And Jesus went on to tell a group of priest that the 'tax collectors and prostitutes' would enter the Kingdom before them.

'There is more rejoicing in Heaven over a sheep that was lost and now is found than over 99 sheep that were never lost to begin with.'

Jesus said that 'God shows to the ignorant what he keeps hidden from the wise and the learned.'

...So when you succeed in making it all the way through, remember all of us who are still struggling with getting our emotions balanced. I think you'll appreciate the difficulty of this and not be like some who simply dismiss us as stupid or weak.

(Sorry to get all biblical on you. )


Well-known member
Pjam - I would be lying if I said that Im not still bitter/angry in some ways, I think I wouldve pulled myself out of this mess a lot earlier if I hadnt had a bunch of people continually pushing me back down because that suited their own egos. However I think Im letting my anger manifest rather constructively, the difference between me and those whom have persecuted me is that I dont go out of my way to hurt others.

If your surrounded by people who's best interest is for you to never succeed then ditch them! No matter how hard, tell them to fuck off!

Regarding the Middle East.... Im not dissilusioned enough to believe that life is perfect over there. In fact to the contrary I think that I would probably experience just as much if not more prejudice towards me day to day on the street than I do here. I do however believe that Western Society is completely fucked and to have grown up isolated within such an enviroment is very much a strength for me, it means that if I wish I can turn my back on it and go to places that others can not. So many others wouldnt even consider it because they are so used to being accepted. They believe what they are told, do as they are told and will and do treat other people like shit if it means they can retain their place in their pathetic social group. That is how our society works! I want nothing to do with that!

my fascination with the Middle East.... I wouldnt really call it that. I see it as a potential oppurtunity to take advantage of the fact that I have the ability to walk away from the West when many can not. Such an oppurtunity to perhaps "fence sit" on the current situation there is probably rather rare, combined with the fact that I work in media means that perhaps just maybe one day I will be given the oppurtunity to make a difference for the better in this world. I dont think that things are better over there than in western society, but perhaps both sides could learn from each other. perhaps both of our communities can change for the better?

Please noone mistake me here, Im not encouraging socialphobics to migrate to the Middle East! I do however want to encourage anyone with socialphobia to see their anxiety as a strength and not a weakness. Stop seeing how it limits you and instead look for oppurtunities to use it to your advantage. Sure applying for work in the Middle East was a breakthrough personally for me (even though I havent even heard back from them!) What made a difference was that I was aknowledging that I could turn my back on everything, say fuck off, and live however I want to without needing to comply to a bullshit society. As I said before, once my desire to be part of society evaporated, so did most of my social anxiety.

Shonen - Cheers! Tis such a pretty hat :p

Miss Muffet - Although I departed from my Christian beliefs a few years ago I thank you for your words of wisdom.

I would never dismiss socialphobics (is that even a term!?) as weak or stupid. Here on this forum I see a much higher percentage of interesting and amazing people than I do in most other communities. Ive been relatively inactive on this forum in recent months, mostly because I hated to see so many people struggling with similiar issues to myself. I hated the fact that I couldnt help myself or help others.

It would be extremely hypocritical for me to turn around and judge others who are struggling with anxiety. I dont have all the answers and I appretiate that a lot of people dont want to hear what I have to say or see it as a negative solution but Im posting my progress here in the hope that it might spark a little bit of encouragement in others. I would love to see all the great people here succeed in their life's endeavours.


Well-known member
Horatio said:
Prove to yourself that you dont need to belong to society then actively reject society and the social anxiety dissapears!

I recently had the same epiphany. My problem is that once I start rejecting society, as you say, society starts accepting me. So when I feel accepted I start to relish in it and CARE what people think again, and so the anxiety returns and I'm a mess once again. What a catch 22 huh? I can't have my cake and eat it too I guess.

Since you are the expert, Horatio, could you supply me with some advice?


Well-known member
sorry for late response, just come back from my roadtrip and sorted out my new accomidation

SocialRetahd said:
Horatio said:
Prove to yourself that you dont need to belong to society then actively reject society and the social anxiety dissapears!

I recently had the same epiphany. My problem is that once I start rejecting society, as you say, society starts accepting me. So when I feel accepted I start to relish in it and CARE what people think again, and so the anxiety returns and I'm a mess once again. What a catch 22 huh? I can't have my cake and eat it too I guess.

Since you are the expert, Horatio, could you supply me with some advice?

haha I would but I marched headfirst into the same trap!

those on my msn list know because I moan enough about it to them, but about a month or so after my change in mindset I ended up meeting a girl. we seemed to have a lot in common and she was cute as hell! I took her out on about 6 or 7 dates over a month. Yeah I was nervous, first date since the age of 18... but I really was over the moon about her.

Then she dropped three bombshells on me in one week... she was doing some pretty hard drugs... she was working at the local strip club... and the third bombshell was when she one day dissapeared, never called me and never answered my messages.

my reaction was to get rediculasly drunk and book a one way flight to Tehran with my credit card. fortunately for me, it was declined due to lack of funds :lol:

but yeah, I walked into the same trap as you and fuck it hurt hard, still does.

things are still infinetly better now but Im painfully aware that even when social anxiety is gone there is still a lot of pain to go through if your a guy who has been more or less hiding in his room for 3 or 4 years.

Im still trying to play by the same philosiphy that I outlined at the start of this thread as it has seemed to have worked. My hands dont shake, I can look people in the eyes, I can talk to anyone, I can walk down the street with my head high and Im living life a little.

But it would be crazy for me to say that it is smooth sailing post social anxiety. The waters are rough, skies are pretty gloomy quite a bit and I cant afford my own boat yet.

it is very ironic though isnt it, as you pointed out, that as soon as one rejects society then society accepts you.

I dont know what to do, I will let you know when I find the answer!

personally, Im doing infinetly better than this time last year. Ive met some random people during the past 4 months, I fell for a girl who seemed to have also fallen for me (something I thought was impossible) and Ive even had the very real feeling of exactly what its like to have ones heart lifted whilst its still beating and then dashed into a million pieces. (gee I could be an extra in Mel Gibson's Appocolypto film)

anyways better run, I actually have a date in 20 minutes, my first since the drug taking stripper. wish me luck!


Active member
I have same attitude as you horatio it gets bad when your drunk and someone pisses you off tho i just want to smash fuck out of there head with a bat and kill them hahaha i fuckin love it

all my hate and anxiety has been slowly building for 3-4 years now one day im gunna flip and go on a murder spree or something. Its not a matter of if its when.

i dont give a fuck to be honest this place is a joke working 9 to 5 for 80 years for what? i say do as many drugs as possible be a rebel and just fuck everyone over and go out with a bang hahaha