Saying F*** Off to Society


Well-known member
Hear me out on this... for the last few months I've been working on trying to find a solution to all this crap we have to go through and I did come to a conclusion. as usual Im gonna cut to the crap and not try to tippytoe around anyone's sensitivies... so if dont read further if you think you might not like what I have to say

I have completely lost hope that I will ever improve. I've been struggling to deal with this problem ever since those fuckers at school terrified me and its not getting any easier as I get older. The more I try to be accepted the more I'm rejected. I'm 23 and will no doubt never know what it is like to hold a woman in my arms. This is a situation that I know a lot of males on this forum will understand as being all too familiar.

It dawned on me that there are advantages to this condition. If I'm to live life always on the edge, always paranoid, always alone, always feeling like an outsider then I'm actually in what could almost be an enviable situation. I dont have a girlfriend, my family barely bother to even keep in touch with me, I spend evenings alone and people on the streets seem to enjoy mocking me. In all respects it is as if western society has rejected me.

With that in mind I've decided to return the favour and am now working on completely turning my back on society. Fuck the norms, I dont care what I am or aren't allowed to wear. I will wear what I want... I will say what I want and I will think what I want.

I'm alone and anxious anyways so what difference will it make!

most people are so caught up in their peer group, their families wishes, societies guidelines etc etc. that seems to dictate our own feelings all too often... we are losers because society says so... because the magazines and internet articles say so... because the advertisments say so... we are told what we must have to be happy and we fucking believe it! If it werent for all that then social anxiety wouldnt exist in my opinion.

in the last few weeks Ive turned my thinking around... now when I get a dissaproving look from some Paris Hilton wannabe I return the favour... she dissaproves of me because I dont fit into her world, Im not her idea of a worthwhile human being... well guess what... I feel the same about her. I look around me on the streets and I see an enslaved people, believing what they are told, influenced by the media and their peers. They are slaves and they dont even know it. But I see people on this forum and it makes me think that maybe we have what they dont... maybe we can find it easier to be true to ourselves? if we are the loners and rejects that we claim to be then what is there to lose? really? if we struggle so much to fit in with others then whats to stop us walking away from it all?

My advice to you all is to learn to say Fuck Off And I dont mean in a meek mumble... if you need lessons in how to say "fuck off" then look no further than Billy Connelly. He really has mastered this!

next time someone gives you a dissaproving look, just look at them and say fuck off. not out loud... but bellow it out inside you..

and guys... if it seems like girls wont ever give you a chance... then fuck them :) they deserve the wife beating assholes that they want to be with so much. and if there is a girl out there who will see you for the person you really are then one day you will find them.

We don't need others to be valid! We don't need society's approval!

we who feel like we are on the edge of society can be the first to escape it!!!!!!

I mean it! dress however you want to.... say whatever you want to... live wherever you want to...

In light of my impossible crusade to try to fit into this society I have now completely turned my back on it. I dont want some boring suburban little life anyways. I think the majority of society are no-hoper losers, ignorant of what is around them, ignorant of why they think the way they do and ignorant of how they affect others.

something inside me snapped several weeks ago... I realised that I can choose to cut a different path through this kind of life and turn my back on all that I thought I needed. as soon as I realised this I had the most amazing sense of empowerment.

the last two weeks have been the most amazing roller coaster ride Ive ever been on... oppurtunities that Ive never thought possible have emerged from the woodworks and all of a sudden life seems so much more exciting.

this aint the answer to everything and it doesnt cure socialphobia but I really believe that if you walk away from everything youve ever known and turn your back on society then it really does make an amazing difference. live like your already dead! dont fear anything! what is there to lose!!!?!??!?!!??!

Don't let others dictate your life! Fuck them!
I agree with a lot of what you said Horatio. We should live the way we want, be true to ourselves, and say FU to society if and when they cast disapproving looks. But I'm curious, are the girls that you would like to have all Paris Hilton wannabes? 'Cuz there are a lot of girls out there who would like to have a decent guy to love, but since the girls don't fit society's definition of beauty they are dismissed as potential partners. How many girls have you looked past because they blend into the background, lacking glamour and glitz? Girls with real substance are out there, sometimes you just have to look a little deeper for the beauty within. Sorry, just a sore point with me, having always been ignored or sneered at by guys due to my weight, which doesn't make me less of a person.


Well-known member
Doesn't work so well for the people who want to be a part of society. Who the hell wants to be alone their whole life? Society isn't some individual organism that is going to look at one person and decide he doesn't fit in. Even the biggest misfits have admirers. Before 'formally' rejecting society maybe it would help to notice the ways you've been rejecting it all along.

And another thing, most people are NOT caught up in their peer groups, they are caught up in themselves. That goes for everyone. If you're cool to a person, in most cases they'll be cool to you. If you walk around with a fucking sneer or a pout on your face, why would they want to bother?


Well-known member
Horatio do not give up on yourself. (you are worthy)

HORATIO: do not lose hope and give up on yourself. Realize that you are acting out of anger and bitterness and by ''giving up on society'', all you will end up doing is digging a deeper hole of loneliness and despair. Look deeper into your own mind and ask yourself what is really bothering you that makes you hurt so have all the right answers in your mind. Decide to do things differently if your old ways didnt succeed so well, but always move forward in a positive way. Do not lose hope, take care of yourself, your needs, do whatever it takes to feel happy and content, but don't give up on being a human being.


Well-known member
wow, sounds like you've had quite a breakthrough! Im'g glad you're taking such a strong stance against people who treat you badly. Having read through quite a through of your past posts you sound to me like quite a strong person anyway. If I was alone without the support of my family I think I would very quickly be trampled into the dust by society.

Obviously for people with SA, how we are percieved by other people is a huge part of the problem. Everything I do (or more often don't do) is affected by how I feel others will judge my actions. If I could put that out of my mind, and not give a damn what other people thought of me, that would be half my problem gone.

My ideal future is to buy my own plot of land on the north west coast (Scotland) where it is very isolated (and achingly beautiful), and build my own eco-house. I'd live of the land as much as I could, and try to live in harmony with the environment. No doubt I would be ridiculed for this sort of lifestyle (hermit, loner, etc), but, if they can't see me and I can't see them, then who cares?
The only problem with this is that I want a husband, and maybe even children one day. I crave the company of others, even though I hate being around people. What the hell do you do with that?? The thought of a suburban lifestyle is my idea of hell.

Though you should know that not all women are bitches. Even ones that care about their appearance. I am definately not a Paris Hilton wannabe (shudder), but I do make an effort to look my best when I go out, because if I look like shit then I feel like shit. But how I act on the outside is absoloutely not a true reflection of how I feel on the inside (again, I'm not a bitch on the outside to anyone, even people that are completely evil to me. I have a big problem when it comes to standing up for myself).
I suppose what I'm trying to say is, don't give up hope of ever finding a girl that's right for you. There are some nice ones out there. Chances are they are being overlooked because they are quiet.

(sorry, didn't mean to go on so long!)


Well-known member
i feel for you mate i have too many angry days too.Sometimes i hate the world and everyone in it then the following day i wish i could just be excepted for who i am,im beggining to believe its a cruel world and its human nature to pick on a "weak" person.Yeh say fuck off to the people that cant accept you for who you are.Ive had my wifes 4 brothers get in to my head for 18years.ive kept away from them for 1 1/2 years now and feel a lot better for it.....good luck and remember they must have there own problems to have to make our lives miserable


Well-known member
Horatio said:
Hear me out on this... for the last few months I've been working on trying to find a solution to all this crap we have to go through and I did come to a conclusion. as usual Im gonna cut to the crap and not try to tippytoe around anyone's sensitivies... so if dont read further if you think you might not like what I have to say

I have completely lost hope that I will ever improve. I've been struggling to deal with this problem ever since those fuckers at school terrified me and its not getting any easier as I get older. The more I try to be accepted the more I'm rejected. I'm 23 and will no doubt never know what it is like to hold a woman in my arms. This is a situation that I know a lot of males on this forum will understand as being all too familiar.

It dawned on me that there are advantages to this condition. If I'm to live life always on the edge, always paranoid, always alone, always feeling like an outsider then I'm actually in what could almost be an enviable situation. I dont have a girlfriend, my family barely bother to even keep in touch with me, I spend evenings alone and people on the streets seem to enjoy mocking me. In all respects it is as if western society has rejected me.

With that in mind I've decided to return the favour and am now working on completely turning my back on society. Fuck the norms, I dont care what I am or aren't allowed to wear. I will wear what I want... I will say what I want and I will think what I want.

I'm alone and anxious anyways so what difference will it make!

most people are so caught up in their peer group, their families wishes, societies guidelines etc etc. that seems to dictate our own feelings all too often... we are losers because society says so... because the magazines and internet articles say so... because the advertisments say so... we are told what we must have to be happy and we fucking believe it! If it werent for all that then social anxiety wouldnt exist in my opinion.

in the last few weeks Ive turned my thinking around... now when I get a dissaproving look from some Paris Hilton wannabe I return the favour... she dissaproves of me because I dont fit into her world, Im not her idea of a worthwhile human being... well guess what... I feel the same about her. I look around me on the streets and I see an enslaved people, believing what they are told, influenced by the media and their peers. They are slaves and they dont even know it. But I see people on this forum and it makes me think that maybe we have what they dont... maybe we can find it easier to be true to ourselves? if we are the loners and rejects that we claim to be then what is there to lose? really? if we struggle so much to fit in with others then whats to stop us walking away from it all?

My advice to you all is to learn to say Fuck Off And I dont mean in a meek mumble... if you need lessons in how to say "fuck off" then look no further than Billy Connelly. He really has mastered this!

next time someone gives you a dissaproving look, just look at them and say fuck off. not out loud... but bellow it out inside you..

and guys... if it seems like girls wont ever give you a chance... then fuck them :) they deserve the wife beating assholes that they want to be with so much. and if there is a girl out there who will see you for the person you really are then one day you will find them.

We don't need others to be valid! We don't need society's approval!

we who feel like we are on the edge of society can be the first to escape it!!!!!!

I mean it! dress however you want to.... say whatever you want to... live wherever you want to...

In light of my impossible crusade to try to fit into this society I have now completely turned my back on it. I dont want some boring suburban little life anyways. I think the majority of society are no-hoper losers, ignorant of what is around them, ignorant of why they think the way they do and ignorant of how they affect others.

something inside me snapped several weeks ago... I realised that I can choose to cut a different path through this kind of life and turn my back on all that I thought I needed. as soon as I realised this I had the most amazing sense of empowerment.

the last two weeks have been the most amazing roller coaster ride Ive ever been on... oppurtunities that Ive never thought possible have emerged from the woodworks and all of a sudden life seems so much more exciting.

this aint the answer to everything and it doesnt cure socialphobia but I really believe that if you walk away from everything youve ever known and turn your back on society then it really does make an amazing difference. live like your already dead! dont fear anything! what is there to lose!!!?!??!?!!??!

Don't let others dictate your life! Fuck them!


Anyway you sound like me. You basically have the same idea as I have but you just said it differently.

23 is a good age to arrive at that point in thinking.

Consider yourself superior to others. Like what you said... the other people who cry whine bitch moan about being accepted being loved and shit.

Consider yourself superior to those who been through the same shit and consider killing themselves. I'm glad you made it past that point. Now you see things clearly.

Be proud of your achievement.

And to everyone else, follow what he said.


Well-known member
Yeah, I've had my 'fuck everything' moments as well where i have just been sick to death of being the same old shell of a person as i was years ago and never getting any better. So screw the anxiety, we all should be allowed to blurt out anything we want to not giving a shit about what anyone thinks. But I wouldn't direct my anger at other people who i've never even met. Sure, if they stuff you around, its a good idea to be as assertive as you can be. But personally I would give people the benefit of the doubt before assuming that they are out to get me and i would direct my frustration squarely at my own anxieties, trying to tackle them head on in order to be the person i want to be instead of gradually turning in to a grumpy old man. But hey, if it makes you feel better and helps move your life forward then who am i to question it.


Well-known member
BTW - Its terrible to hear 23 year old has lost all hope of ever finding a girlfriend. I am also 23 and in a similar situation, the only difference being that i remain hopeful that i will have girlfriend(s) in the course of my life to the point where if i was to learn now that i never will i would be shocked and gutted. But still, I have little hope of having a girlfriend while having social anxiety and i actually dont even think about this possibility at all - it just seems so undoable, yet i believe i can beat my anxieties and it is this hope that keeps me going. This may be false hope, but i really struggle to comprehend how depressing it must be to live with social anxiety while having little hope of your life getting any better.


Well-known member
I just realised that last post had a "i have it better than you" feel to it. I Just want to say that wasnt my intention or belief.


Well-known member
Sorry again...Yes alright, i'll level with you. This is now just a lame excuse to increase my post count. It stands at 15 now. 15 whole posts! Woohoo! :D


Well-known member

I think I understand what you are saying but I think your main flaw is that you are probably a slave of your social phobia and you just haven't realized or accepted this yet. I guess most people out there do seem pretty fucking cold and harsh huh. And to me too they do kind of seem like slaves to rules and religion and the media. But you're focusing on something outside of yourself, I think.

Please don't give up hope. Hope keeps you going. Dream as many dreams as you want.

And, honestly, you will find a girlfriend, I really know you will. Sometimes I feel like there is no one out there that I will ever love and be with but I have to think about positive things.


Well-known member
I agree with you Horatio, that we should feel comfortable to be ourselves even if this does not exactly 'fit' with the dominant social paradigm. But unfortunately if we are to be successful in this world, we must not write-off the majority completely. I don't think saying Fuck-Off to every person (whether said internally or externally) is going to make your life any less complicated. You're completely right that we don't need society's approval to get by in life, but we do need to at least make an effort to get along with people in order to facilitate it. I'm not saying that you have to kiss everyone's arse to get what you want, but you do need to at least be amicable with people....however hard that is sometimes....

For instance - i'm having problems with my supervisor at the moment. Nothing too major yet, but it has potential. As much as i would love to say 'fuck-off' and express what i really think, I know i can't because there is too much at stake for me at this point of time to do that. So i bite my tongue, and be neutral. As frustrating as this is for me, i do actually end up getting what i want. If i decided to let loose however, i would probably ruin any chance i have to advance within my organisation.

My point is, that if you adopt this 'give a fuck' attitude toward people, it won't end up having this major longer lasting impact on the people you reject, cos they don't care anyway, but rather it will end up affecting your chances and opportunities.


Everyone wants to tell you how you should look, think, feel, act. Everyone wants to control you (however subtly). The only time you're completely free is when you're away from their prying eyes. They were spoon fed values by their parents, teachers, religious and political leaders and never once bothered to question their validity. They look at you and say that you're wrong... but why? Because you're not them! Fuck them and their values. Isolation is your key to freedom and your prison as well. I know, I've been living in a self-imposed solitary confinement for several years now. Stupid maybe? Who knows?
Who cares...

Electronic communication is largely useless. 95% of the Internet exists just to tell you that you're wrong. Inevitably when someone chooses to respond to anything it's only to call them an idiot. I see it happen with less frequency here. It makes me wonder if people affected by social phobia are inclined to be more accepting by nature. My thoughts might make it seem otherwise, but I've only come to hate those who rejected me first.

Meh, disregard my incoherent rambling. Suffice to say I agree with your post. Now, back to the shadows...


Well-known member
boro: Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:38 am

boro: Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:58 am

boro: Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:47 am

boro: Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:58 am

boro: Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:59 am

bobo: Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:03 am

boro: Posted:Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:04 am


WHEW!!!! I'm actually starting to appreciate the max 7 post rule!!! LOL! :lol: