Say the title of a book you are planning to read


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and the whys.
I want to read ''Sharp Objects'' by Gillian Flynn
1)Because I've read and enjoyed another Gillian Flynn's nover thought in my native I wanna read ''Sharp Objects'' in english also because my english desperately needs to improve...and this makes two reasons xD
3)the main characters used to be in a mental wards over her depression/cutting issues, there's a murder, a mental mother....I like this kind of stuff :thumbup:

I also want to read something by Jody Picoult...''The storyteller'' is one of the first novel I read in english and I quite enjoyed it...I can't decide which one of her books I'm going to read next. Advices?


Well-known member
For the past 5 years, I've reread the first 50 pages of 1984 by George Orwell, attempting to read the whole book, probably about 6 times.


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Every Stephen King Book I haven't read yet.

I've also been meaning to get around to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep now that I'm on a sci-fi kick. I'm almost finished with The Man in the High Castle, but I don't like the writing style and would rather be reading something more modern.


Well-known member
Taking another stab at 1984 :)

I get a bit of ocd when I read so when a scene is described I feel like I need to totally understand it.

And 1984 has a lot of imagry and descriptions.


Well-known member
I get a bit of ocd when I read so when a scene is described I feel like I need to totally understand it.

Yes! I'm always reading through a page and worrying about not reading it too fast, and then I'll try to read the past few sentences again, it's pretty distracting, but I'm still going to try to finish it, at least past page 50 :bigsmile: