SA & Marijuana


I've been a pot smoker for about 5 years now (off and on, and only on the weekends) and sometimes I've noticed that after I've smoked, my SA gets much much worse. People I'm normally very comfortable around (like my parents) I avoid at all costs. And its not because I don't want them to see me stoned (my dads a hippy lol. that ain't it) I just get really nervous around them, my voice shakes, my hands sweat, I can't make eye contact.. and if I do, I look down a lot, like I'm ashamed (but I'm not). And I'll feel this way for up to a full day after smoking.

I stopped smoking all together about 4 months ago, and I've noticed a huge increase in my confidence around people. Last night I even went shopping and didn't worry about anyone. There was a woman hogging the dairy isle, and I just pushed my way in, grabbed what I needed and left without even a thought about her! It wasn't until I was back at the register that I realized what I had just done lol.

So I was just wondering.. for those that DO smoke marijuana, has marijuana helped with your SA? Or made it worse?

For you guys that don't smoke, do you think Alcohol helps your SA in public settings?

Ren Koutaisou

Well-known member
I smoke marijuana, although I usually try to quit I eventually come back to it. I don't do it often and use very little of it when I do, and have no problem simply not smoking.

When I'm around people stoned, it depends on who it is. The coworkers are all crazy and talkative, very social whether stoned, drunk or sober, and I feel uncomfortable around them because they talk about stuff I don't relate to, like sex, drugs, money, pretty much superficial things.

Around family, I feel uncomfortable because they barely talk to me when I'm sober, and my bro is always yelling and talking to video games, which makes me paranoid because agressive people kind of scare me when I'm high.

In public, I always think someone is out to get me, when I'm sober. Under marijuana, it feels like that X 50. Also my throat gets very dry and I literally can barely speak.

So that's why it's easy for me not to smoke.


omg, I know what u mean about aggressive people scaring u.. me too, even when I'm 100% sober. They don't even have to be yelling at me directly, if people are fighting in the same room with me, I'll start shaking. >.<

Ren Koutaisou

Well-known member
A few years ago I was invited to a gathering with a couple of my coworkers (literally, 2 of them) and their friend for a birthday party. These guys are very heavy smokers and had many blunts. Usually I use a bong or a water pipe to smoke, so blunts go through me very fast.

I was pretty smashed, and the guys were talking to each other. The birthday boy's conversation consisted of every other word being "f cuss word" and "s cuss word" and aggressive speaking. Even though I worked with these guys quite often, I felt so uncomfortable.

I will only continue to use marijuana if I get a girlfriend, so we can... you know, I heard that was better under the influence. Long term use of that stuff can really mess your brain up if you don't bother to counteract it with nutrition, I think.


My name is Marijana xd

aye so it is :D

i never touch the stuff these days. when i was smoking it heavily years ago, it made me think of the future and loneliness, reclusiveness and that really scared me at the time.

now that i am a recluse, i actually like it this way:)

i often wonder though if it was hash that made me this way or if it was just destiny
My name is Marijana xd
Haha, that is the first thing I thought when I read the thread title.

Regarding the weed, I did a little of that in my younger days and all
it made me was paranoid. I could never mellow out and enjoy the high
as the paranoia made me restless.


Well-known member
I do indeed smoke pot too. I don't do it to help with my SA because I feel, for the most part I have it under control and I don't believe it could help me with it anyways. I smoke it for a totally different reason. But highlighting on your thread subject, after awhile it can cause major anxiety in some people. After a length of time instead of a pleasant high you're getting anxious, nervous feelings and believe it or not that's normal. You were right to take a break and if you feel that everything is better after you've stopped then I believe you should stick with that. I personally have never went through this and I hate that you guys have ::(:

I mean you can ask a number of people here, I'm fond of Mary Jane :rolleyes: