oh shit i got 1 more, sorry this shit just keep coming outa my ass when i write. Hmm ok I think we often go into those convos with people we sort know really scared becasue we are often scared of having nothing to say during the middle of the convo, and the silence will be awkward, and that will make them feel awkward and they wil think ur werid, because of the silence. OK the truth is the silence is often OK. People dont feel werided out or awkward beucase there is silence, they do it because you are acting nervous. Haven't you seen those movies where 2 people, usualyl a guy and a girl r just staring into each other's eyes with nothign to say, but acting completely comfortable. So the key is when there is silence imaaigne that this is completely comfortable, and you feel very comfortable with the person. and to try this, walk up to a person you know next time, and just say hi and wutever, and when he stops talking, dont say anything, and just smile, and imagine that situation to be really comforable. Trust me, he wont be werided out. If he detects that you feel comfortable, he or she will also be like that, and hence continues teh circle of comfortableness, and hence no one gets screwed. I tried this w/ my neighbour a couple days ago. Then after that, just be like hey i gota go, and it was really nice seeing you, i hope i bump into u aagain sometimes, take care or soemthing ( u dont wanna do the sielnce for toooo long). AND PEOPLE STOP CRYING OVER THIS SA STUFF, i mean its ok to all share depressign moments of SA failure, but the only way we can beat it is to try ways to restructure our thoughts, and understand why we truly fear these situations. ONly after we know why we r scared, and we think of ways to counter such fears, so next time when you go out, try to detect wut u fear, and think the exact oppsoite way.