Roommate advice/stories please


Well-known member
I want to ask my roommates what they truly think of me, but I don't really know how to. Does anyone have any suggestions? This is a bad situation getting worse. I don't want to end up like I did in the last house I was in.

I know the best way is just to ask. But I don't know if I can bring it up because I think it will make me look like even more of a douche. All I can talk about with them are my problems, but just the surface ones. If I interacted with me I probably wouldn't want to hang out with me either. This is why I need to ask. And I need advice.

Alternatively if you have a roommate story of your own, I would love to hear it if you don't mind telling it. I am constantly worrying and I think it makes me even more of what I don't want to be.

I thought I was getting better for good,. Oh well.


Well-known member
Well... to be honest, my advice would be to not worry about what they think of you.

Granted; I've only heard stories from people about living with roommates-- but I feel that it would be easier to not care so much and think of a roommate situation the same as you would in a business situation.
Less heartache, less drama.


Well-known member
I will try to keep in mind that I shouldn't care what they think. But I don't want to be a cold person. I want to make them laugh, be happy, have fun. I know them all from high school and I don't want moving in to be the end of the friendships.

I can't allow myself to just hide out in my room. I've been closed up for too long and now I want to open up. I want to change, but I don't have the follow through. More realistically I just don't want to be lonely anymore.