Retina Web Security Scanner

Hi! My Dad is asking me about this retina web security scanner. I tried searching online but I don't really understand some terms. Anyone familiar with it? Help!
It relies on biometrics (voice recognition, fingerprint....etc.) , which basically makes the computer identify you after browsing its database and comparing all the data it has through a bunch of algorithms.

If the computer matches your retina with a similar retina previously registered in its database, then you are granted access, otherwise not.

Biometrics is something that we study in signal processing (electrical engineering).

I hope this helps.


Well-known member
It is actually a comprehensive type of application for security testing of website and mobile applications. If you don't mind me asking, is your dad a programmer or an I.T. personnel?
It's unfortunately not perfect, esp when using on mobile devices. Worst-case scenario, some time down the line you lose (or gets stolen) your mobile device; the baddies are pro's & they steal all your biometric data (eyes or fingerprint); then they now have these "passwords" FOR LIFE (as they never ever change). But at present it probably won't happen, but if these tech's become commonplace then look out i say. For now they'll be safe enough, and very convenient.