

Active member
omg i do, really bad, i usually have to have someone order for me, because i start freaking out when all eyes are on me waiting for me to order


Well-known member
I don't have trouble with ordering but I have a hard time eating. It's not because I hate people watching me but I have stomach problems and I'm can't stop thinking that I'm going to vomit (sorry to be graphic) that I then start to think that people are looking at me, then I panic. I get really hot and either do vomit or feel so dizzy. The last time I ate out was in November or December.


Well-known member
The last 2 times I went out to eat I wasnt really nervous. I was ok with ordering. But I do get uncomfortable eating. I feel like im gonna choke infront of everybody and then everyone will look and it will be really embarissing. And then the thought of all that happening makes me panic a little and makes my throat tight.

So i uusally dont eat that much of my food. Im only comfortable eating in my room by myself.

But I guess I can handle the whole going out to eat thing. Its just some parts of it make me uncomfortable. And I dont think id ever beable to eat alone.


Well-known member
Fast food places, are alright. Restaurants, where there are slightly higher standards, i get a bit nervous. I had to go with a restaurant twice this year. Luckily one time we were the only ones in there (went late) and the other time we were in a corner, so there wasn't so much fear. If I had to sit in the middle, I know I would go nuts.


Well-known member
It depends. I am okay if the restaurant is kind of quiet or I am sitting right by the waiter/waitress (because I am such a soft voice.) But, I get nervous if the atmosphere is too loud (lots of talking, loud music, etc.)


Well-known member
I hate everything about restaurants to be honest...the ordering, the eating infront of people, the being sat near to people, having to get up and leave with all eyes on you...ahh the list goes on :lol:

I hate ordering mainly because I find it hard to make eye-contact with the waitor/waitress and then end up coming across really aloof or something :roll:


The ordering does't bother me, as much as walking by tables when I'm being seated or leaving. I also hate sitting too close to people and feel very self-conscious talking when people can hear too easily. I have outgoing siblings, and when they start talking about topics and speak very loudly, my eyes dart around the room and I feel very self-conscious.


Restaurants. Ah man...gotta love 'em! Crowded little places where everyone can see your every move!

I don't mind the eating part. I prefer booths on the side of the restaurant though. Ordering has become less of a problem. I just always get the same thing. No need for a menu, I have the whole description of my meal planned out like lines on a paper in my head! Until I hear the dreaded 'I'm sorry, we actually aren't serving that today,' I'm good to go! Another thing that sucks is walking to and from your table. I NEVER go to the bathroom. Too many nosy people.


Well-known member
Eating out in restaurants and ordering the food doesn't bother me too much as long as I get there early before it gets too crowded. I never go on the weekends or at the peak dinner times. I always like to sit in a booth in a corner somewhere. Where people wouldn't even notice me. Entering and exiting places make me the most nervous. And I really hate getting up to go to the salad bar.
Eating in restaurants doesn't bother me much since people are mostly busy with stuff at their own table, although I prefer sitting in a booth vs. in the middle of the room, since it's more private.


Well-known member
I can't stand sitting in the middle of the room. I prefer to sit in a corner, with my back against the wall, or near the exit.

Ordering isn't worse than anything else, but generally talking to someone after a long period of silence and no social interaction can be awkward for me.
In restaurants it's fairly uncomfortable for me to sit anywhere unless it is in the very corner where I can be right next to a wall. That's the only comfortable seating for me. Although the biggest problem for me isn't so much the ordering, it's the utensils. I have this stupid thing where I can't stand metal in my mouth. It feels gross, and I also always bite my forks and spoons so I feel uncomfortable eating with unplastic things. I also hold my fork the wrong way, instead it looks like I'm about to stab someone with it. It's all this that bothers me about restaurants, I wish I could be normal about it.


I hate having really pretty waitresses, I feel so inferior. Also I don't like when they are teens, because even tho I am 24 ppl think I am 15, so I think the teen will perceive me as a peer and judge me accordingly.

Also it cheeses me off when the waiter/ress will be at the other end of the table, far from me, and ask me what I want to eat. They can never hear me anyway so I am trying to yell it out. So embarrassing. :oops:


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I also hold my fork the wrong way, instead it looks like I'm about to stab someone with it.
LMAO! glad i'm not eating dinner with you :p.

i hate eating out especially restaurants, but if i have to...why do they have to have waiters? i'm mean this is 2008...everything should be electronic lol. i hate ordering when there is a lot of pple at the table. i feel like everyones attention is all on me and what i'm going to order. and i hate pretty much everything greasy, which is almost everything. i hate when they ask what dressing would you like on your salad? and they dont even tell you the choices (which i dont know since i dont go out much). umm nothing. and its like everyone goes into shock if i dont want anything on it :roll:. and then the dude with the pepper churner thingy. LMAO! what a joke!

i rarely go to fast food too and they think you know what you want like as if i always go there. one time i ordered and was given the food and getting ready to eat and the manager comes out and says something like "guess its a free lunch today" and said we never paid. and i totally forgot that we hadnt. but i mean, the cashier shouldve asked for the money after the order. wtf? or at least before they gave the food. :?


Well-known member
piper23 said:
Also it cheeses me off when the waiter/ress will be at the other end of the table, far from me, and ask me what I want to eat. They can never hear me anyway so I am trying to yell it out. So embarrassing. :oops:
exactly! grrr :roll: :lol:


Well-known member
Yup... not so much through a drive through if I'm with someone I'm comfortable with. But alone or going inside is nerve racking. And I feel particularly stupid and anxious if they are all out of whatever you wanted and you have to scramble around and find something else to get or replace it. It makes it even worse when I start chocking on my words trying to get a fast response out.


Well-known member
I will not say I have, because I think I can deal with that. But it is true that I already got very nervous about it in the past.

It is funny that even the smallest details about myself I see in a topic for it this site. Sometimes I didn't even know I had what I see here.