Resentment from Parents/Family


Well-known member
Does anyone else feel like their parents/family resents you because of your SA? I feel like I am a constant disappointment to my family.


I feel some resentment from my dad. He doesn't know about my SA, but we haven't gotten along in a long time. My other family just doesn't seem to understand me. I'm afraid to tell them about my SA because I think they would ridicule me. My family seems to be disappointed in me too, but I really feel like it's their problem not mine.


Well-known member
No, but I worry about it a lot... I have a brother with schizophrenia and two other siblings with mental health problems as well... I have always felt a lot of pressure to not mess up or disappoint my parents, and I feel guilty that I didn't live up to that... I wish they didn't know.


Well-known member
Pretty much my whole family always thought it was natural that I should have social problems. Children like me were supposed to be socially awkward and hide away from the world. Well, that was accepted when I was young, I was just going to "grow" out of it when I got older. Not quite.

Many unmarried people have to hear things like "When are you gonna get married?" from their families. Not me. They just figure it's natural for me not to have relationships with women. Just ONCE, I'd like to hear one of them say "I can't understand why you don't have a girlfriend". Actually, I'd like to hear them SCREAM it at me, like they give a sh*t. Like they can't FATHOM why they've never seen me with a girlfriend (I've had gf's before, but only when I was away at school). They pick and poke and find fault about everything else, this is one time when intense questioning would be music to my ears.

If this doesn't make any sense, don't try to make any sense out of it. You could call this a mini-"rant".


Well-known member
My parents have never really believed that ive had a serious problem. They think im just "shy" and going out with friends will fix it (personally I think they are in denial...the symptoms are pretty apparent). They get so fed up with me not being able to do things. My Dad recently burst out at me like a week ago. He was saying things like :"You're afraid of school, driving, you cant pay for your own things, you cant answer the door, you're afraid of everything!!!"
Gee...thanks for reminding me. Ugh it makes me feel so much more useless when they scream at me for it. I hate putting this shit on them though..its not fair to them to have to deal with my issues. But then again, they dont attempt to comfort me at all...they just get mad at me for it.


Well-known member
Not my close family,to them I know I am a good son,I dont do drugs,drink,fight ,walk with bad people and I help them,now cousins,uncles, one side of grandfathers is another story,always reminding me how much of a hermit and useless I am.......


Well-known member
I think that since I started driving, it's taken a lot of strain off of my family. I go to college in Philadelphia, but I live in NJ. In my Freshman and part of my Sophomore year, someone always had to take me to the train station (and pick me up after school). If my Mom or sister happened to be in a bad mood, they made me feel so guilty. I felt terrible...I had my license, but I was too afraid to drive. They would be like "This is ridiculous. You need to get a car." My parents never seemed to understand why I didn't want them to buy me one. At least now that I am driving, it's taken some stress off my family. I just wish I drove more...If I'm off from school, my car barely moves.


Well-known member
My parents think its shyness as far as I know, I've had sly comments from my stepdad now & then, things like, "you never have really gone out ave you?", nothing nasty but...stating the obvious. My mum spends so much time with me, surely she must think i'm abnormal by now? My siblings probably think i'm ignorant as they grew up with me being social so they probably just think i'm not interested in what they have to say now.


Well-known member
Actually, being embarrassed in front of my family (including extended family like cousins, aunts, etc) is a phobia I've had since my social anxiety started (11 years ago).

I'm seen as the guy who is "a little crazy because he doesn't know how to properly interact with people" and "doesn't know how to have fun at all".
