Relying on internet for dating

I have so much anxiety about social situations that i never really go anywhere but to school, work, or the mall, so i can never meet any guys because im always in the house in my room so i tend to rely on internet sites like myspace and stuff or chatlines to date someone. dont get me wrong i've met guys in the outside world (of course they approached me not the other way around) but it never works out and it doesnt happen so often enough so im back on the internet trying to look for love. Im so depressed with my life the only happiness i find is from having a boyfriend or dating people so when i dont have anyone i fall into deep depression but its hard to meet someone off the internet and have everything work out everytime so it takes forever to get a boyfriend, then u throw in that im very picky go figure. I guess i just want to have the courage to go out in social gatherings and meet men the real way its suppose to be.


Well-known member
So you're in a bit of a Catch-22: you need a partner to get out of your depression and you need to get out of your depression to get a man. Tricky.

The best thing you can do - and God knows I understand how difficult this can be (but it's worth it) - is to go out there and forget about the boyfriend thing, just go and do stuff that you like. I realise that you prefer to have a boyfriend to speak up for you, or to metaphorically 'hide' behind, but the more you speak up and act for yourself, the more likely a guy will approach you again.

So yeah - find things to do out in the world. Trust me, that's where the answer is.