Religion as therapy???

I'm not trying to push religion, I just wondered if there was anyone on here whose faith helped them with their anxiety. At the suggestion of a friend I read the four gospels out loud to myself and the rest of the entire new testament too. I also memorized Bible verses. DID seem to help. Before i started doing this I was extremely anxious whenever I went anywhere. Now i still do get anxiety but sometimes, I go out and feel no anxiety at all. It's amazing.
Not sure if this is the result of religious activity,per se, but maybe simply because i was THINKING of something other than fearful thoughts all the time.


Well-known member
I'm definitely going to be much more serious about my religion. I think it will only work, if you are serious and passionate about your religion..


Well-known member
Personally, I have studied the bible with Jehovah's Witnesses for a while now and long story short it has been a tremendous benefit, with the future of myself even developing a spokesman level of social skill over my current quasi-social phobe state. Still, things are going fairly slow, but that is utterly due to myself holding back (depression/otherstuff). However I should note that I fully intend to make my life dedicated to it.

My loss of anxiety stems from both my belief in the guidebook-esk bible but also a personal relationship with Jehovah aka God. The former includes honest common health guidelines, morality, fears of future/man(SA) and spiritual happenings are gone in the blink of an eye through simple knowledge. With this all said, faith is essential, reading the bible word for word in a predjusticed view (not open heartedly) usually does not spark belief or help with understanding.

As a therapy? Maybe for several smaller reasons on a personal experience level. In all honesty, I cannot say much about other religions since... well, thats a whole other chapter and kinda difficult for me to explain.


I know that my grandma has suffered from depression and anxiety all her life and she resorts to religion as a way to guide her through fer life. Its helped her a lot.


New member
i think religion can provide you with a social support network that you need. bcause you all have a common interest from the get go, and for christians, its the way of the church to talk about ur problems, and guide you throught them with love and support. im not religous. but i still enjoy church if i go, because you get this kinda warmth just from being in there.