Regrets, Anxiety/Depression, & Writing to Escape (and no one to talk to)


Well-known member

I don't have anyone to talk to about how I'm feeling right now, aside from my therapist, and I won't see her until this weekend. I've been a bad combination of anxious and depressed for the last few days or so. There's a specific reason, but I won't get into it on this thread (I'm up for a PM to talk about it, though).

All day at work, and lasting into the night, I've been feeling this way, with a ton of regrets and wishing time machines were real. I'm also a writer, working on a novel, and it's like my only escape is in that story, where I have complete control and have my fantasy play out. It's gotten to the point where I've submerged myself in my own fiction so much that coming back up to reality just causes more depression and anxiety.

Coping is hard. Maybe when I finish my novel I'll have a complete catharsis. If I was given the chance to go back and make amends, I'd do it in a heartbeat.


Well-known member
Hello, this-portrait. Sounds like you are in a similar situation as me because I too am struggling to cope with problems of my own and wish to finish my own novel. If there's anything you need to talk about, you can send a PM to me anytime.