Recent successes


Well-known member
I wanted to list some of my recent successes here. This isn't bragging, but more of a "you could do this too" post. Everyone on here can do this if you work at it like I did. Go back and read my first few posts on the forum back in January or whenever it was :)

#1 - I met this girl at a bar, she was cool and I got her #. Turns out she was moving away in a week, and she invited me to her leaving party at a bar near here. I walked into the bar alone and saw 30 people sitting at a long table all talking away. This would have been terrifying before. Literally unthinkable. I coolly pulled up a chair, introduced myself to the people around me, started talking, and had a great night with much talking and dancing and ending with stealing a kiss from the girl :)

#2 - A Friend had a party the other night at his house, and I went. It was the first party I had been to since I solved my social anxiety. Immediately when I walked in, I noticed how everyone was standing in little groups that knew each ohter. No one was talking to other people from other groups! I became the social lubricant, moving from group to group, having fun, bringing good cheer!

#3 - This one is the most crazy. Today I saw some cute girls on the street, and I stopped them COMPLETELY RANDOMLY and we started talking. We talked for 10 min or so. I took their ph# and called them later on in the evening, and they met me and my friends at a bar. We proceeded to have a fun night, they were really fun girls. We'll definitely go out with them again.

The analytical among you will realize the common trend in these threads. They all started with me talking to completely random strangers, and they all ended enjoyably. That's what I'm learning that social interaction is more and more about - it's fun and it almost always is enjoyable.

BTW, I just realized these stories all have to do with parties and bars and stuff. Lest you think alcohol is a crutch, I never have more than 2 drinks ;)


Well-known member
It's great to hear of your success. Keep trying to be around people and do what you are doing. I wish I had done more instead of avoiding people for pretty much a decade now until recently thanks to Xanax XR. Alcohol can really help calm you down and loosen you up. Even a couple drinks. It really helps me and when I'm around a lot of people and there is alcohol, then I will drink, but I never drink too much. If alcohol is working for you well, then consider trying benzos like Xanax. Benzos work on the same chemicals in the brain as alcohol and pretty much do the same thing except make you drunk. You said you aren't drinking much though. Just don't use alcohol all the time for anxiety or you will become an alcoholic. Repeated exposure to people while feeling relaxed will replace associations between people and nervousness with people and calmness. Then your SA will probably improve via this mechanism. Repeated exposures to people when you are nervous will probably make your SA worse as the association between people and nervousness will be reinforced more. Good luck.


Well-known member


It makes me so happy when i hear these sorts of stories, it seems like your confidence has greatly increased because you realise that you dont need to be afraid, you can be your self without feeling fear. You can chat normally without tripping out into some weird reality full of uncomfortable looks and paranoia, cool!!

Thanks for sharing your cool stories



Well-known member
A little medication (which I'm off now), and a lot of hard work and putting myself in socially uncomfortable situations.
