Receiving Poorer Customer-Service Because of SA


Well-known member
To continue on the vein of SA and customer service you ever feel as though you are treated more poorly than many other customers because of your social anxiety? Do you ever feel that employees pick up on some sort of "vibe" about you (though they may not know exactly what the vibe signifies) that results in them giving you less courteous and/or poorer-quality service? Do you feel that SA or some other mental condition ever plays a role in the quality of service you receive?


Well-known member
It's not just customer service, I think people with SA are treated badly in all situations because people assume we're being rude by not talking. I've been told many times to just 'snap out of it' and start talking.


Well-known member
It's not just customer service, I think people with SA are treated badly in all situations because people assume we're being rude by not talking. I've been told many times to just 'snap out of it' and start talking.

You're right - but I guess for this thread I was just focusing on how complete strangers in business settings may instantly (or almost instantly) pick up on some vibe about you - and treat you poorly because of it.

The price of SA can be never-ending - it may actually result in us getting defective products or poor service.


Super Moderator
Nah. Some workers might just have a bad day, they don't even know us, why would they be out to get us?