Reality Vs Mind Tricks

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
Have you ever experienced this before? For several, long, and challenging years of social phobia, your mind begins to play tricks on you & sometimes you cannot identify reality? That sounded confusing. What I mean is, if you think something may be possibly true, you end up believing it, and you're completely deceived by that thought even if it isn't necessarily true? If so, share? :confused::eek:
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Well-known member
I always imagine things to be far worse than they actually are, if thats the sort of thing you mean. Like, before I go somewhere public I often get images in my mind of the worst case scenario (what I fear it might be like) despite many previous experiences where its always nothing like what I fear. My psychologist calls it "catastrophizing," and I do it a LOT. The things I fear are not really realistic, but the 1% chance of it happening is enough to give me a lot of anxiety.


Well-known member
Arsenio Hall said it best. "People lie at least 200 times a day". The problem with social phobes is that we never got the memo. We magically think that everyone knows what "reality" is when everyone just really has educated guesses. The social greats find their OWN reality and embrace it fully - even if it takes self-deception ("positive-thinking" is self-deception). Social phobes never do because we're so interested in finding the objective truth - something that doesn't exist. Everything is subjective. Everything is not necessarily true. That's why it takes guts and faith to live life to it's fullest potential.


Well-known member
Arsenio Hall said it best. "People lie at least 200 times a day". The problem with social phobes is that we never got the memo. We magically think that everyone knows what "reality" is when everyone just really has educated guesses. The social greats find their OWN reality and embrace it fully - even if it takes self-deception ("positive-thinking" is self-deception). Social phobes never do because we're so interested in finding the objective truth - something that doesn't exist. Everything is subjective. Everything is not necessarily true. That's why it takes guts and faith to live life to it's fullest potential.

can you explain it in a more simple way?it seems interesting


Well-known member
Yeah i know what you mean and I've definitely felt like that. Although It been a while and i can't think of an example I kinda had an outta body experience lately. I was out shopping and it was very busy, I found myself almost drifting off. Like I was watching myself doing the shopping. Then my brother said something to me and I snapped right outta it.