realistic and horrible nightmare


Well-known member
I had an awful nightmare last night. one of those ones where you seem to truly FEEL what is happening to you in the nightmare and it sticks with you for days.

In the nightmare i was walking through an outdoor mall with my mother and my 9 year old son. he sat down at one of the mom and i stood in front of him talking.
Some men came and tried to take my handbag. reflexively i held tight to it. one of them pulled out a gun and shot me multiple times in my chest and stomach...then he turned the gun on my little boy and shot him too. in the dream i stumbled to my son and picked him up then fell to the ground holding him and crying bc we were both dying.

then i woke up. i'm crying as i'm typing this bc it was just so horrible. I FELT the bullets go into my body...i FELT my arms wrap around my son. I FELT everything fading away and my chest getting tighter and tighter as I was dying.

All I've been wanting to do all morning is grab my son from school and take him home to hide where it's safe.

*sigh* it's going to be a long day.


Well-known member
no one else has ever experienced a nightmare so realistic and horrible it makes you want to lock yourself inside and never come out??


Well-known member
Many times also ,

there is not a single night i don't dream , most of the time i have nightmares about my fears , and sometime they feel very real like you described , i wake up and it feels like it all really happened .


Well-known member
Almost every nightmare of mine consists of me being chased while im desperately trying to hide, find home, or escape from some spooky place.

The very good dreams always come to an end just when theyre about to, u know, get really nice. damn. theyre also pretty vivid..


Well-known member
I've had some pretty awful dreams. mostly abstractions about inevitable death, non-existence and the process of myself or others dying.

I can't relate to being a mother or having a child, but I can imagine it has to be one of the worst feelings ever, dreaming what you had.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you had such a horrible dream, Violet.

I completely understand where you are coming from. I usually remember my dreams every night, ever since I was very little.

I have bad dreams fairly often. Sometimes, they are almost like horror movies, but I'm not too emotionally attached so the dream is more entertaining then upsetting. But, a lot of the time I have really distrubing dreams.

I hope this isn't too much information, but these are some of what my bad dreams have been:

I once had a dream where my skin was deteriorating. My skin was basically melting away and I knew I would never be able to use my hands again. My breasts were deteriorating as well, I could see through them, see the tissue, ugh, it was horrible.

Sadly, I have frequent dreams of something bad happening to my family or animals. I've had dreams of my cat dieing horribly, I even had a bad dream of her the night that she died. Dreams of my parents being killed. Sometimes I get shot in the dreams, but I always live. My animals being hurt and bleeding, trying to save them. I have apocalypse dreams as well, where everyone I love is gone, along with most of the planet.

But, my good dreams are usually very good as well. I try to think good thoughts before going to bed and wish for good dreams. It works sometimes.


Well-known member
I have had the same recurring dream ever since I was about 5 or 6 years old. Even now it's scares me (Pathetic I know) and I'm 34

I am laid in bed looking at the curtains.Suddenly everything starts to slowly grow bigger or I am shrinking. I am moving towards the curtains, almost floating towards them. As everything is getting bigger I can see every detail of their structure. Everything is huge now but I am not stopping, I still move towards the curtains. I am now so small and the curtains so huge that I can see the individual fibres that make up the material of the curtains. I am moving towards a square gap in the fibres still getting smaller. I am moving through the fibres into bright white nothingness. At this point I always wake up without finding out what is on the other side.

The dream might not seem that scary but it leaves me with a feeling of abject terror. My body tenses up and I find it difficult to move. I can't close my eyes because when I do even in a woken state I can see the dream start over again.
I re-live the causes of my post traumatic stress over and over in my dreams and I often stay up so late that I won't lie awake for hours frightened to fall asleep because I'll be so tired I'll just pass out.