Real bad Insomnia


Well-known member
I can not sleep. I've tried stuff I read on the internet it doesn't work. I usually don't fall asleep until 12 and wake up at 7. I'm starting wrinkles under my eyes it gets me frustrated. Is there anything I can do besides visit a doctor? I tried that once and will never again. This happened in February last year.

So I got pills from the doctor and he said take 2 if 1 isn't working. For the first week it wasn't working but I didn't tell my mom because I didn't want her to fuss. But the next week I did and told her maybe I needed to take two instead? (she said I would get addicted to pills so she kept them) She said no and they would bad dreams or something like that.

Eventually I grew out of it but three weeks it started again so I asked her about them and she said she threw them away. She did it on purpose to be mean I guess she was hateful when I first tried to get the schedule the appointment and said I was weird.

Now it is back and I don't know what to do because my mind races and I'm just not getting any sleep. It's going to be even worse next week because I will have to start getting back up at 6 again for school. ::(:


Well-known member
I have always had trouble sleeping. I have to take medication that helps with my schizophrenia, bi polar, depression and anxiety and they cause drowsiness. If I don't take them at 9 I would be up all night. But a few things that helped me are to keep busy during the day that way you will be tired at the end of the day. Also try to stay away from screens at night time they keep you up. Another thing I find that helps me is having music on low volume. I recommend something soothing to you. Like I find all music soothing and it's mostly metal music this probably won't work for you so choose something gentle just something to be background noise.


Well-known member
Take Benadryl. I have bad insomnia since I was 13. That was the only thing what worked but it will for only so long you don't get addicted but your body will become immune so I go thru periods were i take it then stop for a month then start again etc. I have tried medications but they never worked. Actually one did seroquel. It worked but side effects were bad nightmares a lot extreme thirst and hunger I would fall sleep no issues but would wake up to get water or eat in middle of night but right away I would go back to sleep i would be so out of it most of the time i wouldn't remember getting up and going to the kitchen. I feel you its tough not sleeping.


New member
I have always found it hard to get to sleep. But I was always able to function with 5 hours.
Exercise especially a brisk walk in the evening helps when done regularly.
I also stopped getting upset with lying awake and would read a book, just accepting it takes me 2 to 3 hours to fall asleep helped my mindset.

Sometimes you feel you are the only one awake and having difficulties but of course, that is not true. Realising and accepting this can make it seem more normal.
Try to keep to a regular bedtime whether you are tired or not and avoid lying on in the mornings.
Maybe a relaxing cd using sounds from nature will help quieten the mind too.


Active member
Well, if you can eventually fall asleep, you do not have insomnia. How productive are you during the day? If you keep yourself busy, you will naturally be more tired. Although I can't diagnose you, because I'm no doctor, heh, I can tell from your post you're not an insomniac. You may just have a delayed sleep schedule... And I can kind of speak on that as someone who's also had sleep issues in the past.

I believed for the longest time that I was an insomniac because I had an irregular sleep schedule -- usually during the summer. It was nearly impossible for me to sleep earlier than 4 AM. Once I did fall asleep, I'd shortly wake up. I couldn't find a comfortable position so I'd flip and turn until it got to be 10 AM. The next night, I still wouldn't be tired. And so on. I never went to the doctor for a diagnosis and for right reason -- I wasn't an insomniac. Now, I mention the summer because I was free then. No priorities whatsoever. I'd **** around all day and I was stress-free, pretty much. Things changed once I started college.

I had a part time job my first semester too, so I'd have to wake up at 8 to get there at 9. My classes started 40 minutes afterwards and continued until 5 PM. Because I was busy all day, I would get so tired. I'd have to nap afterwards, and then work on my homework. When I finished all my duties around 11, I'd immediately fall asleep, and I wouldn't wake up.

All I can really say is to be productive. When you've got a lot of shit to do, you're at your most exhausted. And you'll most likely fall into a deep sleep without your control lol. There are other methods if this doesn't work, of course... Just exercise and stay away from caffeine and sugar - there is caffeine in foods you wouldn't even expect so do your research and all that good shit. Drink some calming tea and play relaxing music to set to mood. Even counting sheep or a boring activity - reading - can put you to sleep. Good luck to you!


Well-known member
Is this something thats been a problem for years or just recent things got you worked up? I go back and forth from sleeping fine to tossing and turning if Im stressed or depressed. Eating a big meal seems to be the only sure fire way for me to get knocked out that doesnt involve meds of some sort. Though I hear eating before bed isnt exactly healthy, Id rather have my sleep.