Random nervous-like laughter

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Even when I am alone, I increasingly let of what I can best describe as a nervous laughter at absoultely nothing. What is this, what does it mean and am I alone with this issue?


Well-known member
I can tell you that you are not alone here, don't feel ashamed of nervously laughing, many people need a release for stress, and for some people it is laughing nervously in stressful situations. I tend to go "ho ho ho" either
when I'm trying to decide when and how to do something, and vice versa.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I seriously feel my mental stabilty is slipping every day. I got mad at an assignment and bit the whole book, which is not at all logical. The laughter feels hysterical and tense enough for a moment I am not breathing and I tightly close my eyes. I think I am going to take the summer semester off and resume in the fall semester to see if that helps.


Well-known member
I would do that too if I were you, do not push yourself too hard, that will only worsen the pain you experience; I learned this the hard way. Though I was not taking a summer semester, I was taking four classes at one semester and had one panic attack after the next, and was sick with pneumonia, and had to miss a whole week of those four classes from the illnesses I had. Take it easy this summer, and relax as much as you can, your body needs it.


Well-known member
I've bit my cell phone before.....a few times actually. Today I was feeling stressed out and hit my bedroom desk.

I've never had a nervous laughter when I'm alone but it sounds like you're letting out steam. Try to hang in there. Eat as healthy as you can. That part has helped me lessened the severity of my mood swings. Anger or depression combined with a sugar crash, is not good.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I eat once per diem, I never feel hunger and I eat whatever I can. Until tonight, I had been surviving on a steady diet of Junior Mints. I am grateful my body does not feel hunger, otherwise I would have to seek out a larger food source and that would cause me to need to sit on a toilet. Since I do not have a toilet, my options would be trashcan, outside or driving a few miles down the road to conduct my business. I know I am angry, I have been angry most of my life, but I supress my feelings like a Vulcan. Maybe I am depressed, what can I do? Even if I could afford to see someone about it, they would only pump me full of happy chemicals that I don't want in me. Before I bit my book, I was hitting the top of my head with it, after I bit it I could not stop with the aforementioned laughter for a good moment or two. My usual anger release, when I let out what I have suppressed is video games on my computer, but that usually ends with me beating the crap out of my keyboard until my fist is bleeding or a wall. I want to be calm at all times, I don't want to carry around all this pent up rage. I tried a fresh approach to releasing pressure, but it caused more as I realised I am apparently incapable of writing lyrics and I still suck at the guitar, so that outlet is exhausted. I even started writing my thoughts down in a notebook, but that had no success and if someone finds that notebook, I will be force-fed happy chemicals that I don't want.