Random Guy : "What is she suffering from ?." (kind of a rant)

Random Guy : "What is she suffering from ?." -_-


So yesterday afternoon I paired up with my mom to trek to the hardware store to purchase moving supplies. While walking up to the bus stop a guy who was talking to himself loudly with music blasting passed us. Because he was walking a straight line I had to step over a few inches to avoid being knocked into. -_- When we finally got to the bus stop I sat on a very tiny three step stairwell that led to a house behind me and my mom leaned against the bus sign. A few minutes into having a casual conversation I see the same guy that had passed us walking up the street again and talking to himself. Halfway up the street he spots me sitting with with a resting bitch face expression ,stares directly at my face as he walks over , climbs the small stairwell and sits up against me.

My mom shot me a strange look and I dropped my phone as I tried to turn to face the right side of the street. The guy yelled "Yo, you dropped your phone." I quickly grabbed it (I would've said thank you but I was becoming uncomfortable) and walked over to the corner to kind of squat / sit and look for the bus. I glanced back a few seconds later and the guy was still sitting there , I assumed he was waiting for the bus. A few minutes later I see the bus approaching and journey down the street to join my mom and she immediately started laughing and told me that the guy just followed her after distancing herself from him and without introducing himself, saying good morning, etc, bluntly asked "is that your granddaughter ?"my mom had said she just shook her head.

Then she claimed he then asked "WHAT IS SHE SUFFERING FROM ?" my mom had said she just gave him a "did you really just ask me that ?" type of look. Then she claimed that he just went back to sit at the same step I was sitti ng on. When the bus finally pulled up the guy hurried away from the stairs, started talking to himself again and strolled down the street.

*infomercial announcer voice.* but wait, there's more !

And later while waiting for the bus to go home I saw the same guy standing in the yard of a house facing the first bus stop. When he finally spotted us HE STARED FOR TEN MINUTES , TOOK HIS SHIRT OFF , STARTED HITTING THE BUSHES WITH A GIFT WRAPPING PAPER STICK AND THEN AT US.

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