Question to females


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^Tell me, why did you sign up t this message board? Its pretty pathetic that would do it just to talk shit. You have nothing else better to do? Really, come on.


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jake_and_emma, You must be some kind of mental retarded,idiot, frusteded ass hole, I am sure you are even more mesirable than all of us toghether multiplied by 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...............


Well-known member
Primrose said:
I know loads of really average looking women who have great relationships because they're really happy with who they are.

Have to agree with that...even if you are "ugly", as long as you are happy with who you are, people will be attracted to that...hence the "ugly guy with the beautiful girl" thing people were talking about.

If you act all defeatest and just moan about how it's easier for the opposite sex blah blah blah, then you aren't going to get anywhere! :roll:
Argamemnon said:
Must be my English; my question is directed to females who suffer from severe social anxiety, and yet have a boyfriend or a husband.

Would you have a relationship if you were male? Because women are approached by men, thus I can imagine that being female makes it easier to find a partner...

I have severe social phobia...i am a female and i have bf. At first it was kind of bad because i used to treat him pretty bad for no reason but now, i told him about my problem and we get along better. If i was a male...of course i would still have relationships. I believe that at first is a little weird but with time it gets better and specially if that person really cares about you.


Active member
Depressed4life said:
If i was a male...of course i would still have relationships. .

I doubt that you would ... if you would be in the exact same state as you say you are .. i can guarantee you you'd be miserable and alone. Luckily for you, you're a female.


Well-known member
persian said:
Depressed4life said:
If i was a male...of course i would still have relationships. .

I doubt that you would ... if you would be in the exact same state as you say you are .. i can guarantee you you'd be miserable and alone. Luckily for you, you're a female.

lol..persian if it's that much better being a female, which not get the op?

It would suck being female, but it also sucks being an average looking guy who has social phobia.


Active member
SocialRetahd said:
persian said:
Depressed4life said:
If i was a male...of course i would still have relationships. .

I doubt that you would ... if you would be in the exact same state as you say you are .. i can guarantee you you'd be miserable and alone. Luckily for you, you're a female.

lol..persian if it's that much better being a female, which not get the op?

It would suck being female, but it also sucks being an average looking guy who has social phobia.

not get the op? didn't really understand that.

But they do have it much better in the dating "game".


Well-known member
miss_amy said:
My man is super confident, very vocal and very sociable. I think we are a good match because he fills in the gaps and does the stuff that I find difficult and I calm him down. I fill the gaps in the side he has trouble with, like the soft side with the children and remembering things that he forgets. I have a good thinking mind and good ideas which he then uses his confidence to put in place. We are a good team, home and business wise. We complicate each othervery well. I think I would find it hard having a partner with the same troubles as I do...
That's very discouraging to people like me.


Active member
I agree, all of us guys with SP have a very hard life, but i think getting a boyfriend is easened with females due to Males generally asking out all types of females, just because they want a girlfriend, i mean if i had the guts id be asking out a huge range too, its so depressing to know theres bugger all chance a girl will ask me out, and that the only way ill get a girlfriend is by me asking someone, i can barely start a conversation with a male, let alone a girl i want to date 8O


Well-known member
Definitely agree with above. I know some girls here have been quite vocal, when this issue has been raised and claims its not the case. Simple fact is more guys with SP are single than are girls with SP. I mean look at the number of girls here who are in relationships or have had a significant number of relationships compared to guys here.

I am not saying life and relationships are peachy just because they are girls. I am sure it is difficult going out etc. But then again is it must be worth it for so many of you to hang around your boyfriends/husbands.

I suppose the point is due to cultural norms, guys do not get asked out often by girls. Girls definitely don't have to make the first move. Sure they might be by extroverted guys who are asking the girls out, but according some of you, that might be exactly what you are looking for. Sorry to be so negative, but doesn't look to good for SP guys. Only option is to cure yourself of SP, and we all know that easier said than done.



Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
miss_amy said:
My man is super confident, very vocal and very sociable. I think we are a good match because he fills in the gaps and does the stuff that I find difficult and I calm him down. I fill the gaps in the side he has trouble with, like the soft side with the children and remembering things that he forgets. I have a good thinking mind and good ideas which he then uses his confidence to put in place. We are a good team, home and business wise. We complicate each othervery well. I think I would find it hard having a partner with the same troubles as I do...
That's very discouraging to people like me.

Not trying to be discouraging, just saying how it is for me.