Question for computer literate people


Well-known member
There has to be at least one computer genius on here, right? So I check my email at work from time to time because that is how we receive most memos. I know that if I send or receive an email at work that it is not private, and my employer can read it. But, lets say I was sent some emails from a disgruntled employee, but I did not open those emails at work....does my employer have access to those emails whenever I open my gmail acct. Or do I have to actually open the email at work in order for them to have access to it?

Does my question make sense? I tried to find the answer online but I really couldn't find anything. I know the simple answer is to just ask my employer, but I fear that will make them suspicious of me.


Well-known member
depends on how sophisticated your IT department is

for instance, we don't have one

no one in my company would be able to access anything on my computer without my password

unless they hired the free-lance IT guy for $80 an hour to come in and do it for them


Well-known member
Thank you for your very in depth answer. We don't have IT guys at my work all the time, they usually only come around when there is a problem. But, I have heard the boss mention things he "saw" on the server. I definitely need to get my own work email address. I would hope my boss doesn't have a keylogger installed, but who knows considering the amount of cameras they have installed in the building. Thanks again, I appreciate it.