Putting up an act


Well-known member
I try to act as though I am confident, and don't care about how others see me, but the truth is I am extremely self-loathing and feel humiliated all the time. It's like there's a sadistic projectionist in my brain re-caping all of my failures and weaknesses.


Well-known member
I always try to appear confident. I don't want to show people my weaknesses. But deep down I always feel self conscious. On my better days I usually don't care. Especially when I'm tired. Everyone cares how they are viewed by others, but you can't let it consume you.


Well-known member
Trying to look confident can make you feel more confident eventually. I think it's a good way to train yourself, even if it is slightly dishonest.


Well-known member
Everybody acts, get used to it. If you can believe your own lie, or eventually even start to FEEL confident... you will then BE confident... even if just for a brief moment in time.


Well-known member
I'm always trying to appear confident, but I always feel anxious in the process and hate myself for being dishonest and not trying to show my true feelings.