It always gets to me when people post pictures of their HH...
Hey in the second picture I was walking from the central train station to a shop called Friendship store.
It was about a 20-30 min walk if I am not mistaken.
I forget the name of the main road the route follows.
The heat and humidity was crazy I would sweat like anything.
Yeah socks and underwear become drenched. In my case sweat would
run down my legs and if my pant legs touched my legs they would soak up some
of the sweet and I would have sweat stains on my pant legs.
The worst part I would say is my back because the sweat just
runs down my bank and lodges in my pants right above my behind.
Also if I would wear something darkley colored salt stains would show up.
Salt from my sweat that is.
The picture you posted that is how I look after a work out in about the same temperature.
I remember I once helped an acquaintance move and it was about 22 C out I had do change
t-shirt 3 times during the 3 hrs it took.
What I have managed to learn is to avoid wearing too tight sitting cloths
because there will be no air between your body and the cloths.
Also cotton shirts work pretty well in the sense the "breath" and suck up
the sweat and dry pretty fast.
Clothing is important actually.
Needless to say my sweating wares cloths our pretty fast and the salt from
the sweat miss colors the original colors of the cloths.