Possibly Autistic


Well-known member
Do you think some of use could be autistic?

I doubt I am autistic but then it makes me wonder. I know how people are with "self diagnosis". I'm undiagnosed when it comes to SA. Sometimes I think I'm just a sociopath or whatever but then I don't just NOT have certain feelings, I just don't care or even know how to communicate. I think it's because I have little social experience but is it the cause?

I haven't read much but I'm wondering if anyone else thinks some of us with SA could be autistic or could it just be social anxiety.


if you dont have alot of social experience then its hard to see any value in socializing or even making freinds..it just doesnt feel like a priority..for me personally, going to bars or clubs and chatting with people in public isnt something I would get excited about..I would actually dread it because iv had enough negative social experiences to really turn me off to the whole club/bar/party scene...I have a thing for dimly lit corners in libraries or bookstores...if im ever in a social sitauion in public im naturally drawn towards any cozy nook or cranny I can find..its comforting...anyway, you're more likely to CARE about things that you enjoy and socializing might not be one of them..

I doubt you're autistic. I think there would be more serious warning signs.
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Well-known member
I have autism and I was diagnosed when I was 16 (which is a late diagnoses) I don't think social anxiety and autism are the same thing. It's not that I get anxious during conversations it's more that I don't know how to react. I don't know how to show emotions, I have them but I can't show them.

I'm part of an autism foundation for adults and it shows how people with SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) and people with autism are different. There are people with autism who can't speak, barely move, and some can't even move. Some can barely speak, one of my friends speaks through a wooden board.

The other thing is people with autism usually only have one passion. Which means they are more likely going to excel at that skill. Another thing that I noticed is people think people like me are "stupid" when really we are very smart! I am the top grades in my class. Yet I can not socialize like everyone else.

I have a life coach to help me learn basic skills, such as cooking, cleaning, socializing, pretty much any skill seen as basic I have a problem with so he teaches me.

Yet when it comes to intellectual parts I can do awesome things. For example I can remember anything, when I was being tested the psychologist asked me to draw a figure I did perfectly, about an hour later he asked me to draw it from my memory, I drew it exactly the same way and it was the best he's seen in 9 years in office.

I see it in every person at the autism foundation. They are people who want to socialize and share their minds, but they don't know how.

The thing about autism to me is, we may not be able to do basic motor skills or socialization skills. But we don't stop thinking, we remember everything, we look at every single detail, we want to do things right. It's hard to explain how our brains work because none of us are the same. Autism happens to anyone and it affects people differently. I'm lucky I can walk and talk, I think my brain is a blessing. I also think people need to learn more about autism and stop picking on someone because of their habits and socialization skills. I'm not really sure where to go from here if something is on your mind feel free to ask I'd love to help!


well there's always google if you want to find out more about it...probably easier than making a whole post about the subject.


Do you think some of use could be autistic?

I doubt I am autistic but then it makes me wonder. I know how people are with "self diagnosis". I'm undiagnosed when it comes to SA. Sometimes I think I'm just a sociopath or whatever but then I don't just NOT have certain feelings, I just don't care or even know how to communicate. I think it's because I have little social experience but is it the cause?

I haven't read much but I'm wondering if anyone else thinks some of us with SA could be autistic or could it just be social anxiety.

Don't know about you guys, since I hardly know ya'll medically, let alone personally.



Well-known member
RE danny's comment, no offense to you but you seem to be discussing more of a "classic autism" category, nowadays it's gotten progressive to the point where Mild Asperger's can be a valid diagnosis... if someone has mild Asperger's it means they will appear as a normal (NT) individual does, but still have some autistic traits.

My greatest problem is really ADD and the social anxiety.. these are official diagnoses. But they do not explain *all* my unusual difficulties. I have a compulsive urge for routine, an inflexible need for order/sameness, profound trouble with changes, occasional problems with literal-mindedness, and of course, this guidebook of how to socialize? Never received mine. It's just been a "learn as you go" thing for me.

So with these and other traits, I've long believed I have a mild case of Asperger's. It's also possible I'm wrong, and these qualities are due to ADD or some "combination" of factors, but in any case, I've found it to be a helpful label for understanding myself.