Possible New Job


Well-known member
So...I applied for a part-time job at a different library location than the one I work at now, but in the same system of libraries in the area (it is a county library system). This is a paygrade above my current job. I thought I bombed the interview (I kind of rambled at one point), so I assumed I wouldn't get it. Today, I received a call from the manager, asking me to fill out a background check (which almost guarantees me the job, but not technically, yet). I answered the call, which surprised the manager, since she knew I would be at a meeting (I was at the meeting, but it had not started yet). I worry slightly that my answering the call may have been off-putting. I also thought that they wanted to fill the position beginning in December, since the person who retired from it retired at the end of November. However, it is December 2, so I don't know when they will officially offer a position. They only do hiring once a month, so if they don't hire me (or someone else) this week, they may have to wait until January to start.
I'm pretty excited, but a little nervous...
I would think that if they are requiring a background check that that is a good sign you will get it. Hopes and prayers that you do! Don't stress over it, it will not help anything either way and let us know how you come out.


Well-known member
I just checked my voicemail, and the manager left a message officially offering me the position--I am nervous, but also excited. This will be a good step in my career. :)


Congrats on getting the job! That is great to hear! Let us know how it goes. I've also been looking for job but haven't had much luck yet. Where did you search for yours?


Well-known member
I work in a county library system. I have worked at one location for the past 3 years, and will be moving to a different location within the system for my new position. The jobs are advertised on the library's website.


Well-known member
I started my new job last week, and I realized yesterday that I am very comfortable talking to my new coworkers and the patrons of the new library. This is shocking, because normally I am at least a little uncomfortable in new situations for months (if not longer). I take it as a sign that this was definitely a good move for me--I feel at home (almost). :)
It's great to read that your job at the new library is working out good for you, lilmutegirl. Especially that you are able to be comfortable with your co-workers, that can make a job so much more enjoyable!. :thumbup: