Poll - being with friends


Well-known member
yeah i can safely say my SA is more extreme around my family and alot of friends, my best friend that i dont see anymore i was comfortable around, now why is that?

because he wasnt prejudice and never poured 100% of his energy into telling me why im screwed up, this friend was very open minded about personalities and didnt have a narrow view regarding how people should act.

i feel paranoid around family because they know all my insecurities and weaknesses and they are known to brag about and gossip about me behind my back, this gives me a sense of paranoia around close family, and i dread family gatherings.

i remember at the last family birthday party, my mum sat there on a chair and someone i had never met walked over to join our conversation, this stranger asked me "So you been going out often?" ...and my mum automatically responded ..."Not likely, he has no firends right now" .....

if you get what im saying