Pointless stuff


Well-known member
I really don't know exactly why I am posting this,
I need ot get my thoughts out. I guess for anyone that would
read it.
I don't remember what I was thinking the time I found this site.
But I have seen that there are people that suffer from SOME of the
things I do, some not as bad, some worst. But my mind is terrible.
I think of things that I begin to think I am crazy. But...I am
right about some of these things. Some things I will never know.
I have a lot of negative thoughts in my head and some I wish I could
commit but I guess there is something that just won't let me.

There are some people that come here for help but no one
helps them, they feel left out, or unliked, I dont know. Then
they get mad and leave.

Well I have started to feel like that. But I also hate posting this
because I know people would think, oh she probably wants attention.
Well I just like to get things out and maybe if someone knew
a little things that are on my mind I would feel better. Then I
alway regret posting, Maybe I should? To see how many people
really don't notice me, then maybe I'll be able to just leave here
and not want to come back.
Sup dudette? I dont think u shud leave. Well I mean its up 2 u, but where else can u find ppl who understand u. I dont say it but i do feel like that sumtimes bout this site but i always end up comming back; whether it be a good day or a bad day. U cool, n i cudnt think a one person that wudnt like u; well maybe except for no1, but hes just an assss. Its up 2 u tho buddy


Well-known member
Haha. People need to remember that a problem is a problem and none is bigger than any other at least with us here, and from what i see i think people do try to comfort and help.
Do people forget we're not professionals?

Btw that's one sexy deer.


Well-known member
I need to learn to TRY to keep these thought to myself. Maybe no one wants to hear it, maybe they just want to meet someone like them... but then, how would you know if you don't talk about it?? So would we be complaining or what?


Well-known member
Haha. People need to remember that a problem is a problem and none is bigger than any other at least with us here, and from what i see i think people do try to comfort and help.
Do people forget we're not professionals?

Btw that's one sexy deer.

I'll give all the credit to hippiechild. He drew it.
I dont think iz complaining, bcuz i mean this IS a place for venting u kno. Maybe u feel so bad cuz u DO keep all that stuff in n nobody can say well, yea i relate to that, or, yea that happened to me but this is what i did to get over it, u kno. Not like puttin all ur biznezz out, but u kno if sumthings on ur mind, deres no sense in keeping it in n u feel bad, wen maybe sumone can help u kno


Well-known member
Yeah, I know, but I just feel like no one would really care or that it would be pointless. I really dont expect help, and I dont think anyone CAN help me. Its not like i always want to talk about my problems, I don't, I just have to know what would be interesting to talk about, then I would probably feel liked when people say that do like me.
Well wateva u feel like talkin about, talk bout it. Lotta ppl on here jus go out on a limb n post threads not even expecting any responses; then it ends up on the hot topic of the month. W/e u talk bout has to b interesting cuz u like hardly ever post. lol. It jus might do good to hear other ppls input on wat u go thru n stuff, i kno it muss b alot


Well-known member
Yeah, A LOT of stuff that no one wouldprobably relate to... well some of it... and would be too embarrassing to say.
No one would probably relate too? I doubt that n nah we all hav embarrassing stuff. If i was to tell u half the things that happened to me, u wud prolly die laughing, n say "man now that guy is f**ked up". U never kno until u try tho


Well-known member
No matter what anyone tells me, I would never think I am better than anyone. I dont think I could feel less embarrassed than anyone, but I guess its just that I would be really embarrassed.
o ok. ya embarrasment is jus part of life i guess. U jus gotta learn to look back and laugh at them. Maybe posting it wud help u get over it, n help u scratch the itch u been having. Its up 2 u tho. Me along wit alota of other ppl wud want to hear about it. N u gotta admit, there are sum screwy posts on here, but hey, iz jus another day in the life of a social phobe.


Well-known member
There are some people that come here for help but no one
helps them, they feel left out, or unliked, I dont know. Then
they get mad and leave.

Well I have started to feel like that. But I also hate posting this
because I know people would think, oh she probably wants attention.
Well I just like to get things out and maybe if someone knew
a little things that are on my mind I would feel better. Then I
alway regret posting, Maybe I should? To see how many people
really don't notice me, then maybe I'll be able to just leave here
and not want to come back.

I think that this "friends" thing and "reputation" are some things that made this site worse,now its the same thing as real life interaction,thats just stupid in a site like this,also I doubt some people have problems,I think some only come here to feel better about themselves,one up other people, when they see other people's problems,but I still come here because there are some really good posters that I can relate to,also its the kind of site that you can post almost anything and most people will be kind and understanding.


Well-known member
There are some people that come here for help but no one
helps them, they feel left out, or unliked, I dont know. Then
they get mad and leave.

Try not to expect too much from other people here.

I guess it's not really fair to expect these forums to cure anyone. I know that for me to get better, I have to make that happen. All I want from these forums is somewhere I can realise I'm not alone, and to talk about things that I can't talk about with anyone in real life.

I think people here are willing to help give advice if they can... but a lot of the problems talked about are sensitive subjects, and I know at least for me, I'm nervous to help because I doubt my own ability to give good advice!

Maybe it would be fair to say that these forums can help you deal with your emotions and thoughts about SA, but they're not going to magically cure anyone - unless you're extremely lucky and meet somone near you, and work on your SA together.

Don't know if any of that made sense because I deleted and re-wrote so much!


Well-known member
I'm not saying I want help. Because I know that only I can help myself. Im saying that some other people come here and expect help. The banner says it, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, not GET HELP.


Well-known member
I wasn't necessarily talking about you :) I've seen several threads today with people saying this place isn't helping them at all, and some people leaving because of it. I don't get it...

Sorry if these posts are coming across as nasty or something. It's hard sometimes without many smileys (speaking of which I think the forum would benefit a lot from getting more added!)