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Well-known member
This is/will be my last post on the site. I just wanted to share one thing before I left. I know there is already a thread about marijuana and how it could be used to cure depression but I just wanted to make sure someone could hear me. I don't want to go into great details but I truly believe that depression is us fighting ourselves. For what ever reason, because we had no friends in high school or middle school or now it doesn't matter. There is a reason for the depression and I truly believe once you confront this within yourself and stop trying to run from it then your depression will be eleviated for good. I really think that marijuana can help you do this. For me my mind was always in a fog, I could never think straight so I just let myself fall further into depression. Smoke a joint. All by yourself with no one around. You want to trip out, you want to have a panic attack. I 100% believe that a panic attack is your mind telling you there is something wrong, the weed will create this but lay down in bed and realize that the panic you are feeling is from yourself. Your in panic from your own brain. This is depression. Embrace the panic attack and let the heart racing the manic thoughts and everything take place. You will not die, no one has ever ever died from a panic attack. It is your mind moving super fast and your body in a panic like it would be all day long except 50 times faster. Reach deep into that panic attack and find out what is really bothering you. Think about why you are doing this to yourself. You are doing this to yourself. It's a crazy thing to think about that yourself is making yourself depressed. Even if the thoughts or memories hurt tell yourself they should hurt, write down everything you think of. EVERYTHING. Write down everything that is causing this depression and realize you are doing this to your self. If you just accept your past or present and say your content with yourself and that you love and like yourself then your depression will go away. You don't have to mean it at first but once you feel the inner turmoil in yourself you will love yourself that much more for how much of a battle you and your mind have gone through in life. You are one, your mind and body and everything is a team. Tell yourself you are a team. Get that negative voice out of your head and get the one saying I want to fix this to take over. Only you can fix yourself, no one else can make you feel better or tell you how you should feel. Deep down you know and only you know, it's just a fact. Listen to yourself for once. I know I didn't for 10 years. I am now. Get the monkey off of your back and pinpoint what is effecting your life and what you can do to change it. Once your depression is gone it will help with your anxiety and everything else. Writing down your thoughts is the most important part. If you come to an epiphany and dont write it down and forget, then you have to search again for it another time. Write it down and don't be afraid to read to it over and over. Write down your thoughts throughout the day and pick out all of the negative thoughts and write them down. Pick out all of the positives and write those down. Write down everythough, trust me if your like me you think your thinking about a million different things and it sounds impossible but when you write down all of your thoughts you will see that there are always a few underlying issues and not a million different things. Once you deal with these issues you will be free. Free your mind from prison. Mine was in for 10 years and I'm only 22 years old. Free yours now. Being skeptic will inly keep you in prison.

As for Marijuana, I think it could be the most useful drug to help with depression. Not because it makes you feel good, instead it enhances how you feel so if your depressed you can enhance it to find out your true issues. These issues cannot be found without help, trust me, I've been searching for a long time. I don't smoke very often but everytime I do I come up with epiphanies and ways to help change my life. When I smoked last night I stayed up for 8 hours lying in bed going through everything that was on my back. The panic attack is the therapy for your mind. Trust me. It won't hurt you. It will hurt your heart because your depressed but once you come to terms with yourself it will release. I truly think that smoking a few times per week at night and finding out these issues and writing them down instead of bottling them up would cure depression. I know it would and will for me. It's overwhelming but remember it doesn't have to be every issue at once. If you can come to terms with just one at a time you are still fixing your mind. Over time you can be healed.


I cant read big blobs, but for what little I read, weed isnt good for depression I know that much. It makes you more lethargic and apathetic. And just because when your high you think your smart, your really retarded when your high.

Jay Cataldo

Well-known member
I think some people here are missing the point. Daabulls is not recommending that you just sit around and smoke weed all day and hope things get better. He is saying that you can use it as a tool to put yourself in an altered state for performing "therapy" of sorts on yourself. While marijuana isn't a drug I prefer, I think he makes a very valid point.

Some therapists have had amazing results using MDMA in clinical settings to cure people of PTSD and other serious psychological ailments, since it allows you to peek behind the curtain of your mind to bring hidden thoughts and motivations to the surface. If weed helps someone do the same, then more power to them.


the thread starter had a good idea. i've actually had panic attacks on weed and after the 2nd or 3rd one i was able to understand them and get them in check. every time after when i would experience panicky feelings from whatever i would remember that i survived previous attacks and that everything was fine. knowing that you've overcome something before helps you to overcome it when it comes back, so doing what dabulls reccommened could be a good idea.