Please post things that HELP you...


Well-known member
I know what doesn't help me. Im lost in finding what does. I could complain and vent here all day which helps some but I want to get better. So what helps you?
Not just medication but everything... Im 41 and feel like its getting worse.


Well-known member
I really haven't found anything that helps, but here are some of the things I force myself to do:

- keep up on household chores daily. When this goes out of balance, I go nuts.
- remember that worrying for days about an event takes more energy than doing it.
- read a daily meditation book for mental illness
- just me, but I love church and it's my lifeline. I go as often as possible.
- volunteer for some small project once or twice a month somewhere in the community
- attend a NAMI meeting at least once or twice a month
- stay hydrated, eat right, and try to get more exercise
- revisit or find new hobbies. Some of my favorites are astronomy, kayaking, x-c skiing,
fishing, hiking. I even made myself go rollerskating and almost killed myself.
- find "easy" events in the community to attend. Free planetarium, concerts, lectures.
I look for things that don't require a ton of interaction with people.
- See my therapist, because he's the only objective person in my life.
- Before I could do any of these things, I had to give up on the idea of suicide and decide
to live. I hate this world, but I'm going to stay. I have kids and a grandchild!

After 35 years I have given up on meds. This month, I haven't done many of these things at all, and I have suffered. I guess the effort is probably worth it, because even though I don't feel different, (things are still just as hard), I see myself differently and let up on the "I'm such a loser" self-talk.