Please Help

Tyler H

New member
I think i have APD. Im 15 in 3 weeks. I hate going to school because im constantly hated and ridiculed, I just want to run out of the room. I dont do after school or social clubs because I know I will probably be made fun of and i cant stand it. When someone talks to me i just try to end the conversation fast before I say something stupid and they make fun of me. I usually just sit in the back of the class. I play alot of video games to try to escape it all and relieve my stress but they havnt been working latley. Ive never been in love because I know it wont last and will most likely be rejected. Ive never opened up to anyone and dont want to go to a doctor because I dont trust them. I never trust anyone. I dont even want to try to get my permit because I know my family will try to teach me and yell at me. I am always in a constant conflict of emotions. What should I do?
well first welcome to the site! 15 is the worst, I'm 17 now..
well see things might seem rly harsh right now, but time should help, not telling u not to seek help, its crucial that u seek help.. maybe a school psychologist, info is confidential.. cuz u need someone to guide u through this..believe me, if I didnt have help, I wouldnt be writing u this today... so pls seek help in some way..
I know u feel ruined now.. and helpless.. but u arent.. there is help.. if u ever want to chat pm me :) I will judge not judge u in any way, cuz I am too busy judging myself:p :)
and asu have realzied u can;t always play video games to escape, sometime ur gonna get tired of games and escaping, then u'll need someone beside u :)


Well-known member
Hi Tyler H,

Best thing about talking to professional people- YOU will get professional answers, You can talk to close friends which helps and you can talk to psych's and get informed answers.
Talk to your school psysc as Chained metioned, or have a doctor recommend someone for you.
This is their occupation, get closer to controlling it..

Regards Darryl