please help me.


Well-known member
So I am on Lexapro. It's my 4th antidepressant and I hate it just like I hated the others. I'm only on 1/2 a pill every other day but it's making me an anxious mess and my therapist told me that based on her experience with partial hospitalization patients this isn't something I should wait out. She said that I seemed to be getting "activated" and I should call my psychiatrist and she would call too and we would see about getting me on a different med ASAP.

So I called on Saturday and the only person on call was a therapist who said he couldn't advise me and it was my choice, I should call back on Monday. So I decided to go ahead and keep taking my meds anyways because I wanted to try to stick to my psychiatrist's orders until I heard differently.

So I called back today and my psychiatrist is telling me I am too sensitive so now I need to reduce my dose to 1/4 of a pill every other day... or 2.5 mg every other day. She says I have to do this for a week and then call her back.

I am going downhill so badly. This Lorazepam (benzo) that I take with it isn't doing enough. It helps for a little bit and then it wears off. By Saturday night I was so anxious I went out at 9 at night and walked and walked until I was out of breath and then turned back home. I managed to burn off my agitation but ever since then I have been deeply depressed and suicidal. Not my normal I wish I could kill myself suicidal, but the I have a razor in my hand and maybe I REALLY should kill myself suicidal. I have been holding onto hope that maybe my psychiatrist would help me. Now I don't know if I should even listen to her. I'm affraid I am going to do something bad if this goes on. But I feel like if I don't she won't help me anymore. If I want a new psychiatrist I'll need to wait months to get seen. I need help now. I need someone to listen to me. I wish my therapist could do more but I know she can't. I am so lost. If I tell anyone how I'm feeling I will probably be commited and then everyone will know. I can't do that. I want to pull through this, I really do. I have a son. I am just so scared.


Well-known member
Can you take more of the benzo? I don't know how similar it is to Diazepam, but with that I can pretty much take them whenever I need them, so if I'm particularly anxious I can take several throughout the day. I suppose it depends on your dosage also, though. Maybe ask your doctor?

Please don't do anything to hurt yourself. You have a beautiful son who needs you in his life. What you are feeling right now is only temporary, you can get through it. Be strong, for your son if not for yourself.


Well-known member
I'm only suppose to take one/day at most. I don't know why.

I know my son needs me. I keep telling myself that. It's the cruelest thing I could do to him.

It just doesn't feel temprorary. I have been waiting so long to get better and instead I'm getting worse.


Well-known member
She puts me on the lowest dose of everything because she feels I'm so sensitive which to some degree is true but I still feel that the lorazepam isn't enough to help me.

As far as I know my diagnosis is still major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. That's what I was diagnosed with in July of last year. I am starting to wonder if I'm really Bipolar 2 though but I don't know, I'm in that gray area where I couldn't really say one way or the other, I guess.

Thanks for your thoughts, guys, and just for listening.


Staff member
yeah, benzo's don't help long term, guess she is trying to avoid going down that route.