Phone calls??


Well-known member
SleepingBeauty said:
and i still dont like answering my house phone either, i usually wait for the answering machine to get it.
now i know your phone number! :twisted: :twisted: :p


Well-known member
I ran out of work yesterday, so my boss had to find something to give me....and it was my worst nightmare, she gave me three pages of people to call, about 100 people, and i had to ask them about their accounts, and I was planning to lie and say I called them when I hadn't...but I felt bad and called them anyway...most of them told me to piss off anyway :p


Well-known member
I can't even call to order pizza. I have my dad or brother call for me. When the phone rings, my stomach gets in knots, and I rarely answer it. Thank God for texting (which is what I do all the time). When I have to call someone about a job offer or something important, I really panic and lose the job.

I'm the same way with TAMPA-BAY, when I use the phone I need to go in another room away from people.


Hi, this is my first post here although I've been lurking for a bit.

I have the same problem as most of you with phone calls (not just phone calls though).

In fact, I just got through making one a little while ago and I was breathing very hard and sweating beforehand. I kept telling myself that this kind of fear was ridiculous but it was an important call so I had to make it. But I have to make a follow-up call and now I'm sweating that out too!

Well I don't have much to offer in the way of advice except to just focus on the task itself as much as possible and forget yourself. Easier said than done, I know.

Anyway, it's been a big relief to know that I'm not the only one with this social anxiety thing. The idea of a community of people with social anxiety strikes me as being very ironic. But comforting. Later.