Phobias and fetishes


New member
I also have a thing for feet too. The first time I noticed it, was when my first grade teacher was reading a book. She had on some blue stockings. She took her shoes off, and I could not stop looking at them. They were great. I didn't indugle on the fetish too much though.


Well I'm not a foot fancier, infact I f**king hate feet - they make me cringe and if someones got 'finger toes' it makes me feel sick. If it was up to me wearing socks would be law. I prefer armpits...


New member
hey sickofbeinglonely, don't warry for your fetish.
many people has the same taste, and this specific taste has a great trend now!
the foot love is an ancien history, and natural...
you only have to recognize and maximize this taste.
don't hide; SHARE with your partners. you will find many people that will appreciate it. and surely you will have fun.
now I know my taste (the same), and I use it for increasing my sexual performance! now I know I can take every girl in flip flop! it's a great benefit for me...
PS: look this 2 free sites about flip flop


Well-known member
i have the biggest fettish for hair. hair, hair hair HAIR and more HAIR

on guys that is.

legs, face, head, HAPPY TRAIL - it's all fair game (though i'm not too keen on chest or back hair but i can deal)

the more the better.


i'm a heterosexual girl but i love looking at other women's body parts such as small, well-rounded feet, the shape of their calves in high-heels, delicate hands, wide flat faces with full lips, girls with big bums and small breasts...the list in endless.

i also have a less conventional fetish which i find utterly erotic; while having sex i like my boyfriend to drop his saliva into my open mouth very slowly..

licking armpits and sucking on toes is way up there too


I have a foot fetish too. I just want to let you know that they are EXTREMELY common. It's an urban myth that it's abnormal or weird. Just do a quick google search and you'll be apt to see as many foot fetish sites as you do porn sites.

Reflecing on the CBT/Exposure therapy I'm currently in for some ocd and anxiety, my advice would be to immerse yourself in feet (sounds silly I know) as much as you can, even though you may feel odd or uncomfortable at first. Just toughen up and persist, no matter what. The more you expose yourself and resist your compulsion (avoiding feet), the more the anxiety will lessen and the more you will be able to focus on enjoying them as opposed to feeling shame.

If you want to talk more about this or need more advice, feel free to PM me. I too went through a shame period when it came to feet...that was years ago in elementary school but I still remember how it felt. Good luck man.


Well-known member
while having sex i like my boyfriend to drop his saliva into my open mouth very slowly.. licking armpits

I've got a weird one... One that I never knew where it came from until a couple years ago my mom told me that when I was a toddler I used to run my hands up and down my grandma's nylon covered legs... Evidently I must have liked the smooth feeling of her hosiery. I don't remember doing this as a toddler, so I must have been 2 or 3 years old... When I was in 1st grade I remember begging a classmate of mine to put her tights back on, because she had changed clothes at lunch time... And for whatever reason, the color opaque white is by far my favorite, and still is an obsession... I just thought that it was weird how this all started back when I was a little tiny baby....