Phantom Sweating


Well-known member
Has anyone experienced "phantom sweating?" This happens when you start treating with ionto or maybe a topical and you feel like your hands are sweating, yet remain dry? It's the weirdest sensation. Us sweating folks can always tell a few seconds before when the sweat is ready to pour.
I have not, but I have heard others say that sometimes they get accompanying swelling, which I sometimes get in my hands and feet when they sweat. When I start my topical treatment, I'll watch for the phantom sweats.

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
Yeah, I've felt this sensation or at least something like it. Since I can make my hands sweat by concentrating on them if I want to (but why would I want to!) when I'm on avert and try this I can swear I felt them sweating but when I test by touching my face they're 100% dry. I think it could be the feeling of them trying to sweat. Since I've started taking avert (not so long) I'm still paranoid that I'm gonna sweat and check quite a few times during the day


Well-known member
I wonder if the paranoia of sweating ever goes away? I still put my hand to my face every now and then to see if it's dry. Maybe I'm just used to the phantom.