people like to holler at me when Im walking....


ok.. I just went out today to take a run.. and again, a group of people (I think girls) hollered at me.

you know "whoooo!!!!!!" that kinda thing.

I don't know whether to take it as an insult or as a compliment.

I dont know why I have to attract this attention. Well ok, maybe I do know. They interpret me as a loser but does that always mean I AM a loser?



maybe it was too showy?

just a plain grey t shirt that says "superbowl bla bla bla" and blue shorts. And no the shorts weren't really short.


Well-known member
Maybe you have a friendly neighborhood. That one of the reasons i dont like going outside for a walk unless its at night, i'm afraid someone will stop and want to talk :?


Well-known member
Unless it happens every time you go out, just ignore them. Probably nothing to worry about.


New member
Lol! That happened with me once! I was jogging in Dublin!

It was so ridiculous!

I was running at the sidewalk and the traffic was very heavy, so 3 or 4 girls on the backseat of a car started to scream desperately looking at me! And every time their car moved forward and stopped near me, they screamed.

I was so red and furious with them, all cars could see that ridiculous scene!

But 500 hundred meters forward, there was the stop lights that I needed to cross and their car stopped in front of me. And I was furious and they looked to me and stopped screaming and became so shy that they couldn't even look to me.

And I thought, what a moron I am, they are just kidding with me!

And when the traffic finally become less intense, their car started to move finally at a cruise speed and they waved goodbye for me at the back window.
I hate it when people do that. They're just being annoying, whatever. I don't really think about it or care. I don't think it was as an insult or anything, it's really probably nothing important. It's happened to me plenty of times.


One night I was walking home from college to my apartment and in my complex's parking lot this group of three emo punks around my age walk up to me and demanded money. The one pulled a knife, but I went on the hope that he was too much of a pussy to us it and walked them to my front door, pushed the knife kid over a planter, and bolted inside cuz 3 on 1 isn't much of a matchup... But neways, I walked up to my apartment and watched these kids walk right back to their spot and the kid with the knife jumped onto the roof of a cadillac and started kicking in the back windshield. That's when I called the cops and they came and took him to jail. That was a fucked up walk home from school...



Well-known member
SilentType said:
One night I was walking home from college to my apartment and in my complex's parking lot this group of three emo punks around my age walk up to me and demanded money. The one pulled a knife, but I went on the hope that he was too much of a pussy to us it and walked them to my front door, pushed the knife kid over a planter, and bolted inside cuz 3 on 1 isn't much of a matchup... But neways, I walked up to my apartment and watched these kids walk right back to their spot and the kid with the knife jumped onto the roof of a cadillac and started kicking in the back windshield. That's when I called the cops and they came and took him to jail. That was a fucked up walk home from school...



i wave back if someone honks there horn or some yells

creeps them out