people are aliens in a dream world

since i left high school a year ago, i only go out of the house once or twice a week and what i noticed in this year is that every time it gets harder and harder.

because i leave my house so rarely, every time i go out i feel like crying, like i'm in some strange world, a dream... i wish i could explain it, like i'm so vulnerable and people just seem like aliens - extremely beautiful or extremely disgusting and fake. my feelings are getting so sharp all of a sudden cause i'm just used to the four walls of my room.
then after one or two hours it all just goes away, seems dull, and i just wanna go back to my room...


Well-known member
I completely understand that. You're probably feeling very detached/depersonalised because of a lack of human contact. The truth is, it will only get more difficult if you don't act soon. You have to fight it! Find a job to get arond people more (volunteer if nothing else is going), find some clubs/societies that interest you in your area, and try to go out of the house every day, even if it is just to go for a 20 minute walk, or a jog, or a bike ride... I even feel better when i just go to the library to read/do some work, knowing that i'm not hiding myself inside gives me a huge sense of relief.

Try out different things anyway, and good luck ( I'm sure the aliens will go away with time if you just try to stop thinking yourself as a different species ;) )


Well-known member
Yeah I understand, sometimes i feel asif no one else is real and im the only person and its like some kind of test for me, or im some kind of alien amongst people haha.
try some meds

oh, i wish. in this point of my life i'm still financed by my parents and they say that "only spoiled people go to psychologist" and the only pills they believe in are vitamins.
yeah, the classic case of the "you're-a-spoiled-little-brat" parents...